Volumio 3 Beta test: New init

From 3.677 I started OTA to load 3.678.

After the firmware is downloaded and flashed the system reboots twice and ends up in GRUB again.

Hey Robert,

Can you test from the official 3.661 to Test 3.678?

Yes, I can, give me some minutes …

Also ran the test. Downgraded to V3.661 and did the OTA to V3.678. No issues found. Great work

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Thank you @Wheaten,

This will the volumio users progression path.

OTA from 3.661 to 3.678 works fine here as well. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Thank you Robert,

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Rpi 4, IQaudIO DAC PLUS Hat
upgarded from v3.663 OTA to v3.678

I notice that under “Volume Options” there is now no option to select/deselect a mixer

I will try a clean install of v3.678

… I get the same result - is it still possible to select a mixer [hardware or software] or none?


Newbiggen issue confirmed here on my volumio primo on 3.678

I’ve also a bug on radio favorite, when I remove one, it doesn’t reftresh the radio favorite page but bring me to music favorite. Strange

Thank you for reporting. Taking this under a magnifying glass.

Thank you for reporting.


Key improvements:

  • Re-worked volume options
  • Other, less noticeable

Problems with deleting radio favourites & music favourites

I also get this if I delete a radio favourite i the music favourite view opens. I seems to be linked to the problem I reported before where I cannot delete the final entry in music or radio favourites when there is an association with the my volumio profile backup Volumio 3 Beta test: New init - #48 by Newbiggen

These Versions 3.678(a) are not offered for OTA because they have the same version number. Is this intentionally?

Hey Robert,
The new job has been pushed to the buildservers already. Will update this thread once correctly versioned images are available.

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Key improvements:

  • Corrected version for OTA update

It is being worked on by devs. Unfortunately I do not have ETA on it yet.

OTA from 3.678 to 3.679 worked fine here.

Can you test and check 3.679 build?