Volumio 3 Beta test: New init

The USB for the boot use should not be substantially slower than MiroSD. Also, there will be some USBs which will not work as bootable at all.

Hi @nerd , I did have the same problem with the new 3.661 & 3.669. The USB 3.0 that used to boot fine with 3.329 wouldn’t boot at all with the 3.661 or 3.669. Now I stay with 3.329 for the time being. I tried several of my USB sticks and they have the same issue. This is on RPi4-4GB with latest EEPROM.

I also have two USB SSDs and one boot fine but not the other one. They both boot fine with the 3.329. :frowning:

For RPi5/NVMe, I have no problem. I did a fresh install via a SD card and install to NVMe.


Actually, you may be onto something.
Thank you for reporting.

Hey Andy,
I can see what may cause the hiccup.
I’m not sure if I will get the update build before early next week.

I’m sure I haven’t tried out many of the functions yet…
But so far I haven’t encountered any problems. I use Qobuz, Volumio works wonderfully with Allo DigiOne Signature.
The problem with the incorrectly displayed track does not seem to occur here or to a lesser extent.
Overall, the entire system seems to me to be quicker and more fluid to use.
Thank you very much guys!
I’m looking forward to the next official version :slight_smile:

RPi 4 v3.669

There is a problem tha has been discussed before https://community.volumio.com/t/can-not-delet-item-in-favorites/10011

I have found that I cannot delete some Favourites and Radio Favourites when connected to My Volumio ‘Virtuoso’ account
Otherwise looking good

Thank you for reporting. We will monitor Volumio backend operations. As mentioned here: Volumio 3 Beta test: New init - #32 by gkkpch not much will happen until our collogues return.
Kind Regards,

@Dirk_Kramer @naimnatnod
The situation with USB boot is related to the device timing. In simple terms, the USB takes its sweet time before reporting to the kernel “ready” state. From the image posted by @Dirk_Kramer, you can see that the USB device partition layout is sda: sda1 sda2 sda3, and is reported after UUIDs are checked.
There is no way around how quickly USB’s device controller reacts and I will need to introduce a “wait for all USB devices” delay.

BBC Radio 3 seems to be working fine this morning (12/5/24).


Strange! This afternoon (12/5/24) the BBC Radio 3 icon again plays BBC Radio 4.


Hey Steve,

Very strange indeed. It sound like this is source (a stream producer) problem rather than Volumio (a stream consumer).

3.670 starts up correctly with the HDMI UI on the first startup. That fix does work here.

Her Robert,
Thank you for testing. Appreciated.

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Key improvements:

  • USB boot kernel timing for Raspberry Pi family
  • Raspberry Pi CM4 r: 1.1 USB/NVMe boot eligibility
  • Raspberry Pi CM4S USB/NVMe boot eligibility
  • BBC radio stations improvements
  • UI fixes to date
  • Other, less noticeable

@Dirk_Kramer @naimnatnod

Please test release 3.671 and share your findings.

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Thanks @nerd ! I’ll do it when I get home from work tonight. :slight_smile:


Key improvements:

  • Release Candidate
  • Permissions handling

Sorry for the late answer, but i ve had a lot of work today. I ve tried the two images 671 and 674 on both Sticks. Both Sticks and images work perfectly. Today I haven’t the time to test the system more. But the Bootsequence works really good ! Thx for the perfect work.

Thank you for testing. Appreciated.

Maybe not as experienced a user as some here but I have been happy to “tinker”. Both images 671 and 674 have worked fine for me including reinstalling using “backup and restore” which means my extensive “playlists”, and “favourites” including the many saved radio stations are working fine. Accessing over 3000 albums collected over the years ripped and now stored on a NAS also works perfectly.

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