Hi all,
I had been using my Volumio for a decent time without issue and was making good progress on finally getting the system built into a case.
It runs on a PiMoroni NVMe M2 hat with Kingston 512GB 2280 drive.
It had been disconnected for maybe 6 weeks, while I prepared metalwork etc.
It had been updated from the app to V3.785 on January 5th, previously being 3.779 (beta?) and had been connected and used daily for perhaps a month since then.
I had rigged up 5V GPIO powering, and wanted to test this worked firstly. It all booted fine in terms of the green activity indicator, but I then thought I best check it came to life as a system too, so connected ethernet and USB DAC.
This is where it went wrong, it has not shown up an on the app at all, and ethernet lights are both lit solidly.
I return to powering via USB, but the situation stays the same, green activity and solid ethernet lights.
So, I have to make a Raspbian image on SD card again. This boots without any issues, and I can see what looks like a perfectly in-tact Volumio install, including all my music library, on the NVMe drive attached.
As far as I can tell this should all work, but removing the SD card I am back to a non-booting system with the solid ethernet indicators.
I am unsure what to do at this point. I can flat install, but why would this be needed? Nothing has changed here, except briefly trying to power from GPIO 5V, which was successful.
This definitely feels like a software issue, I expect unrelated to the different way of powering, I returned to the exact same USB PSU as before, ethernet cable etc. all the same.
Any insight welcome! I was on the final strait of finishing the project up, finally, and now it just feels doomed to failure…