Don’t mix the terms. These are 3 different plugins: Basic, Spectrum (from @balbuze), Peppymeter screen (from @2aCD).
for 1480x320 resolution there are about 100 skins
This is a thread about PEPPYMETER screensaver!
Don’t mix the terms. These are 3 different plugins: Basic, Spectrum (from @balbuze), Peppymeter screen (from @2aCD).
for 1480x320 resolution there are about 100 skins
This is a thread about PEPPYMETER screensaver!
I don’t understand, do you have Basic and skins from Peppymeter screen running?
The thread about PEPPYMETER Basic is here:
Can i convert 1920x515 to 1920x480 in Photoshop?
Yes you can. You also need to edit meters. txt
Like here:
Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO - #738 by Gelo5?
Thank you, I saw it,meters.txt
Thx a lot for the quick answer. Trying it…
BTW, is necessary to edit the file /boot/userconfig.txt ?
I can see following output:
-bash-5.0# tvservice -m DMT
Group DMT has 14 modes:
mode 4: 640x480 @ 60Hz 4:3, clock:25MHz progressive
mode 5: 640x480 @ 72Hz 4:3, clock:31MHz progressive
mode 6: 640x480 @ 75Hz 4:3, clock:31MHz progressive
mode 8: 800x600 @ 56Hz 4:3, clock:36MHz progressive
mode 9: 800x600 @ 60Hz 4:3, clock:40MHz progressive
mode 10: 800x600 @ 72Hz 4:3, clock:50MHz progressive
mode 11: 800x600 @ 75Hz 4:3, clock:49MHz progressive
mode 16: 1024x768 @ 60Hz 4:3, clock:65MHz progressive
mode 17: 1024x768 @ 70Hz 4:3, clock:75MHz progressive
mode 18: 1024x768 @ 75Hz 4:3, clock:78MHz progressive
mode 36: 1280x1024 @ 75Hz 5:4, clock:135MHz progressive
mode 47: 1440x900 @ 60Hz 16:10, clock:106MHz progressive
mode 48: 1440x900 @ 75Hz 16:10, clock:136MHz progressive
mode 49: 1440x900 @ 85Hz 16:10, clock:157MHz progressive
My display resolution is 1024x800. Next one I’m trying to use is a standard 1920x1080.
I’m not sure how this file affects it. Which rows should be there for my display? As I wrote, I’m sorry. No experinces.
Thx for understanding.
Which plugin are you using?
Which screen?
According your output 1920x1080 is not available.
I’m using
Touch Display 3.5.1 (installed as the first)
PeppyMeterScreensaver 2.2.1
It was working correctly, I was listening to radio. VU meter was perfect. The size was approximately OK. I wanted to try it in principle to know how it’s working.
Then I add NAS as I wanted to check metadata loading from mp3 (to see info about file) and tried to play it. From this time screensaver isn’t working. It can’t start. On screen there is only a standard background. From spotify I can see the picture and some info. But no VU meters any more.
Reboot didn’t help.
So the actual issue is to start VU meters:-) The resolution isn’t important right now.
Please, this thread is about Peppy meter basic, so no metadata.
Stop to write here and continue on the related thread!
First like to thank @2aCD and contributors for their excellent work on the Peppy Meter screen saver plugin.
My wife bought me a 8.8" 480x1920 touch screen for Christmas and I thought I might have a go with the plug-in over the break. After checking out the basic plugin in the Volumio store I thought I would take a look at the full version on Github. Easy enough to get working but then thought, why not try rolling your own custom skins.
I picked the HD Gold meter as a starting point (1920x1080_custom_7) as it combines the VU meters with the spectrum analyser bars. I’ve worked out the various files and settings for the VU meters but after hours of experimenting for the life of me I can’t get the spectrum to show up.
Would really, really appreciate some clues.
Pertinent values from meters.txt. The meters are working but if there is a setting you want to see that I haven’t included just let me know.
#playertwo - templates/1920x480_custom11/meters.txt
bgr.filename = gold-bgr-1.png
fgr.filename = gold-fgr-1.png
indicator.filename = gold-needle-1.png
screen.bgr = gold-ext-1.png
#screen.bgr =
distance = 257
#distance = 255
meter.x = 0
meter.y = 12
left.origin.x = 500
right.origin.x = 1436
left.origin.y = 458
right.origin.y = 458
#left.origin.y = 400
#right.origin.y = 400
# --- volumio optional entries -------
config.extend = True
meter.visible = True
spectrum.visible = True = s.1
spectrum.size = 1900,99
I’m guessing that spectrum.txt is loaded from the corresponding template folder. Here is the file in full. No amount of my fiddling has persuaded the bars to make an appearance.
#playertwo - templates_spectrum/1920x480_custom11/spectrum.txt
#origin.x = 50
origin.x = 135
#origin.y = 98
origin.y = 240
#spectrum.x = 100
spectrum.x = 390
spectrum.y = 104
bgr.type = image
bgr.color =
bgr.gradient =
bgr.filename = bgr-1.png
bar.type = image
bar.color =
bar.gradient =
bar.filename = bar-1.png
bar.width = 45
bar.height = 110 = 5
reflection.type =
reflection.color =
reflection.gradient =
reflection.filename = = 0
topping.height =
topping.step =
fgr.filename =
steps = 12
Download skins in 1920x480 resolution and try to create your own using such a template.
your monitor: 1920x480
spectrum size: 1900x99
see how much you have shifted the spectrum field (spectrum.txt)
and bar.height
origin.x = 135
origin.y = 240
spectrum.x = 390
spectrum.y = 104
bar.height = 110
did you modify my skins (1920x515)?
yes, everything works, I didn’t rename the files, I only edited them, including the meter.txt and spectrum.txt,
just a big but… my configuration - RPI 3b+, Volumio version 3.512. peppy meter 2.10
I can’t leave version 3.512 because there is no support - cue
flac, ape with cue - my collection 14 000 albums
I don’t know the impact of versions on skins for PeppyMeter
Hey! first timer here…
First of all: great job!!!
Everything works like a charm and things, wich are not flawless, I can mostly work out myself.
There is just 1 thing bothering me and that is the fact that I cant seem to get SpotifyConnect working with peppymeter plugin. I have to disable Peppymeter plugin and then I can connect and play music. When I enable PM I usually cant connect anymore (sometime it can, but no sound)
I also need to authorize Sp.C everytime after restart…
Volumio 3.785
Spotify 4.1.1
Peppymeter Screensaver 2.2.1
Now Playing 0.7.5
In the rare occasions I can play music from Spotify with PM plugin enabled, the meters don`t work…
I saw a solution for that on this forum, but theres no spop.yml.tmpl to be found wich i can edit…
Hope someone can help me with these issues…
Also: Have a happy New Year!!
Hi @Gelo5
Thanks for the pointers. It made me look at my coordinates again and I am now clear on spectrum.xy and origin.xy measurements, although it has not fixed my problem
I have made some progress.
The VU meters and spectrum work fine when the display is connected to my RPI5. When I move the display and SD card to the RPI4B I use for streaming the VU meters work but the spectrum is nowhere to be seen.
I’m guessing the issue is in the different video drivers. The RPI5 is using the (default) vc4-kms-v3d-pi5 overlay without options. To get the display and touch screen working on the RPI4 I had to fall back on the legacy firmware driver with custom timing.
#8.8" 480x1920 display
hdmi_timings=480 0 88 44 148 1920 0 4 5 36 0 0 0 60 0 89000000 7
I’m about to take a deep dive into the video driver documentation, which I was trying to avoid.
make a separate SD card for RPi4
Even with PM disabled…there’s still the authorizations issue (among others)
Any hope for an updated plugin soon?
The good news is I managed to get the VU meters and the spectrum to show up on my RPI4 and have my own customised version of the gold template working fine.
Intetesting time digging into the display architecture too. I spend most of my time in Linux at a command line and had never really looked into X11 before. Turns out I am having to use the legacy drivers on the RPI4 as the display has a broken EDID configuration block. I may try to fix that when I am feeling brave enough.