Peppy Meter Basic - The plugin!

I’m happy to share with you a new plugin (beta) PeppyMeterBasic v0.0.1 !
What ?

  • provide a simple installation for Peppy Meter
  • possibility to use your own meter in the shared folder /data/INTERNAL/PeppyMeterBasic/Templates. The folder MUST be named widthxheight-description ex: 800x400-mynicemeters
  • collection of meters can be stored on a Github folder to be shared for all. I’m waiting for your creations! :smile:
  • tested on RPI4, RPI5, x86
  • works with FusionDsp and SW volume mixer

There is no concurrences with the very nice PeppyMeter, PeppyMeterBasic does not display MetaData, just meters. And probably don’t work with DSD track…
Do not use with other Peppy meter or spectrum.

To test, enable plugin test mode in http://IP/dev

Enjoy and feedback :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So this means that it won’t break OTA and later on we can also set the position of the template?
The latter is a huge advantage of Peppy_Meter, as we can place it as overlay on “Manifest UI” or “Now Playing”.

yes, it is…
AS peppy spectrum…
ANd works with FusionDsp and SW volume

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Peppy meter basic v 0.0.1 released as stable.
No change with beta :wink:

Hi. Can I change the size to 1920x1080? Thanks.

Yes. You have to create your meters with resolution you need and place them in a folder call 1920x1080-mymeters in the shared folder INTERNAL/PeppyMeterBasic/Templates.

New 800x480 Meter!
Update the list in the plugin, select 800x480-balbuze, download, use it and enjoy!


Thanks for your reply. I don’t have any knowledge at all how to create. I will wait maybe someone will create . Thanks again for your effort in making this easy install plugin .

Thanks. I try to make one for your resolution Asap :wink:



missing return statements cause errors like : error: Failed callmethod call: TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined

Sorry but you forgot to write the message…
What am I supposed to understand?

I made a 1920x1080 linear meter…
similar to above but vertical
Update the list in plugin to use it! :wink:

Thank you!!!

Is it possible to position the meter like this?

I tested this but the result is a black rectangle from the top left corner of the screen to the meters. Something doesn’t work as expected with transparency. But I don’t know how to make it work. This is something in peppy with the frameebuffer… If someone knows?

it’s related to pygame. It won’t accept a transparent background.

Ok… Too bad :disappointed:

Or this? With 1920x1080 background with meter at the center.

Yes. But hidden metadata…
If you are the owner, I could add it to the package!
What do you think?

Yes . It is okay for me. Much appreciated .