X86 Hardware issues (Graphics, WiFi, Onboard Sound, external DACs, Disks, BIOS/UEFI Boot problems etc.)

Just wanted to say thank you for documenting the solution here. I am new to Volumio and had the same problem on my Dell Wyse 3040. Resampling through Volumio worked, however, only for playback of media files. The setting did not apply to plugins, which was particularly disadvantageous for using the Spotify plugin. As the solution, I now use the FusionDSP Plugin with an upsampling preset to 96 KHz. This way, I managed to make everything work with the DP/HDMI output.

Also another big thank you to @gkkpch, who inspired me to buy the Dell Wyse 3040 (+ another 5070) for using it with Volumio.

Hi There
Im having issues with installing to my SSD on a standalone PC. I have burned the image to usb as instructions stated (using Raspberry Pi Imager and the image from Volumio homepage) and it runs fine. When I try to install to SSD through the settings It says it has installed to drive and to restart and remove usb. When I do this, It tells me there is no bootable drive. My SSD shows up still in my bios, but not showing it as a bootable drive. I have also tried installing Volumio directly to the SSD (again with Ras Pi Imager) using a caddy, but when i reinstall the drive back in my PC (through SATA not USB) it again says there is no bootable drive.

Log file:httplogs.volumio.orgvolumiohtpeuK1.html
CPU: Intel I3-32320t
MOBO: Intel Q87T
Ram: Corsair 16gb
Image ver: 3.757-2024-09-17-x86_amd64

Booting from a Intel Q87T using ssd/nvme appears to be a general issue, not releated to Volumio.
Just google ā€œboot Intel Q87T chipset SSDā€
Other than that, I cannot help. Volumio is not guaranteed to run on all configurations in the field.
Butā€¦there is always hope someone else can.

I got some wifi card problem in vurrent OS, can I rollback to old version?

If can, where can I download the old version, My player CPU is x86.


Volumio 3 Issues?

Please see: Volumio 3 issues: hints and solutions before posting a new issue.
(Youā€™ll need to cut and paste the link)

----------------------------- Delete here & above before posting below -----------------

is possible but not adviced how far do you wanna roll back ?

@gkkpch @Wheaten can one of you help him with this i think he canā€™t get,
his DELL wyse 3040 with build in wifi adapter working ( my guess ).

I installed in DELL wyse 3040 with inner wifi card, but hotspot does not work, mobile cannot to connect to the hotspot. connect to router in wifi woks correct.

Hello everyone,

I am trying to install volumio version 3.757 on a HP Elitedesk 800 G6 mini pc. I downloaded the x86-x64 image, flashed it to a USB, booted to it on the HP, and it goes to a screen with Volumio logo, and says Player preparing startup, Waiting for USB devices, this should not take long.

What USB devices is it waiting for exactly? I am very confused. The help documentation doesnā€™t help at all here. How to install Volumio on x86/x64 based PC?

What should I be doing here?

latest volumio 3.757 on x86 motherboard (Carte mĆØre Mini ITX pour PC de jeu, H110, LGA 1151, DDR3, prend en charge Core i3, i5, i7, Pentium Celeron 6, 7, 8, 9th, CPU Isabel, nouveau - AliExpress 7) with Waveshare Raspberry Pi 7.9inch Capacitive LCD HDMI Panel 400Ɨ1280 screen.

1st issue: screen orientation is not correct
2nd issue: chromium / volumio kiosk does not show up

any idea on how to fix both issue ?



install the touch display plugin

No, not on x86.

The Touch Display plugin is not for x86. Therefore it is not available from the plugin store. IIRC x86 systems have an option to display Volumioā€™s UI via HDMI video output on the system settings page: Look out for ā€œVideo Output Optionsā€ and enable ā€œUser Interface Via HDMIā€.

1 Like

outputs xrandr can open display 0

additional info on display :slight_smile:
volumio@victorumio:~$ sudo get-edid | parse-edid
This is read-edid version 3.0.2. Prepare for some fun.
Attempting to use i2c interface
Problem requesting slave address: Device or resource busy
No EDID on bus 1
No EDID on bus 2
No EDID on bus 5
2 potential busses found: 3 4
Will scan through until the first EDID is found.
Pass a bus number as an option to this program to go only for that one.
256-byte EDID successfully retrieved from i2c bus 3
Looks like i2c was successful. Have a good day.
Checksum Correct

Section ā€œMonitorā€
Identifier ā€œWaveshare-07ā€
ModelName ā€œWaveshare-07ā€
VendorName ā€œWSHā€
# Monitor Manufactured week 20 of 2023
# EDID version 1.3
# Digital Display
# Display Physical Size not given. Normal for projectors.
Gamma 2.20
Option ā€œDPMSā€ ā€œfalseā€
Horizsync 1-255
VertRefresh 20-120
# Maximum pixel clock is 290MHz

    #Extension block found. Parsing...

#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
#WARNING: I may have missed a mode (CEA mode 70)
#DOUBLE WARNING: Itā€™s your first mode, too, so this may actually be important.
Modeline ā€œMode 2ā€ -hsync -vsync
Modeline ā€œMode 0ā€ -hsync -vsync
Modeline ā€œMode 1ā€ -hsync -vsync
Modeline ā€œMode 3ā€ -hsync -vsync
Modeline ā€œMode 4ā€ -hsync -vsync
Modeline ā€œMode 5ā€ -hsync -vsync
Option ā€œPreferredModeā€ ā€œMode 2ā€

try running export DISPLAY=:0 first,

just to make sure I get it right.
Should I run these command through ssh ? or on the streamer itselfā€¦if the latter, then I have an issue since no display when the volumio kisk service is running. If I stop it with systemctl stop volumio-kiosk , then i get the local display showing up but xrandr command fails in this case as xserver running (openbox I believe)

So I did the export through SSH and with te kiosk running, then I was able to run the sudo xrandr -d :0 -o normal command.

What next ?

Besides, I need to precise that the screen does not display the volumio UI when kiosk is running , only a blank screenā€¦

Just like SO3D on this thread Volumio x86 Touch Display Portrait to Landscape - #14 by gkkpch

I tried additional xrandr commands to rotate screen without success. The command executes and does not return any error message. But the screen remains blank and I can not validate screen rotationā€¦ Is there any config file I could modify to adapt screen resolution somewhere? I know the display is working since when i stop kiosk service, I can see the regular volumio prompt at the top of the screenā€¦

Any idea ?

Hi Wheaten, Unfortunately your tip with Google store didnā€™t work because the chrome browser is outdated and you should update itā€¦ is there perhaps another solution now?

yes there is, thanks to @Christianrablay and @_mark for pointing it out.

The following error appears when downloading.

After that, everything loads and works as it should. How to fix it?

I have not posted here for a while, but I have some news for DELL 3040 users.
A while ago, there was a change in the current Volumio Debian ā€œBusterā€ named OS release which we could not avoid. It caused an onboard audio failure for some Intel Atom based devices, e.g. Dell 3040.
Unfortunately there was no solution for the Volumio Debian ā€œBusterā€ OS release, due to alsa/ kernel mismatches.

As we are now in the process of lifting the Volumio Debian OS to the ā€œBookworkā€ version, we re-tested this issue and can now confirm that the issue has been resolved as expected.
Headphone/ Speaker output for Dell 3040 will be back to normal once Volumio for Bookworm has been released.