Volumio 3 Beta test: New init


Key improvements:

  • Improved mpd service re-cycle


  • Fix for missing library after reboot with slow USB devices


  • Add Album title to playlist, queue and play next

3 posts were split to a new topic: Add year to the album list view

9 posts were split to a new topic: OLED plugin with 2.42" display

btw: I really LOVE this new and informative screen at early startup time! :heart:

OTA to 3.699 did work here (x86).

Tidal fav titles "Sorted by: Date added :small_red_triangle: " - playback does not work
If sorted by “A to Z” or "Date added :small_red_triangle_down: " playback does work.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Goodtft 7" LCD configuration with new volumio init

OTA uptade from 3.695 to 3.699 without problem (Pi4 with 8Gb SD Card)
I’m also using the ‘Touch screen’ and ‘Display now’. No flaws.

Hey @MitchStoner ,
Thank you for your feedback.

The update to 3.699 worked without any problems for me, including MyVolumio - everything was great.
Qubuz works without any problems immediately after the restart.
I haven’t noticed any problems so far - everything was great.

No plugins
RPI3 with Allo BOSS
RPI2 with Allo DigiOne Signature
Allo Nirvana

Good morning

The update via OTA worked for me too…apart from the usual restart when using a USB stick or USB SSD… :wink:

Kind Regards


Key improvements:

  • Improved mpd service and mpd socket unit relation


  • Fix for plugins extending mpd configuration

OTA to 3.701 did work here (x86).

Tidal fav titles "Sorted by: Date added :small_red_triangle: " - playback does not work
If sorted by “A to Z” or "Date added :small_red_triangle_down: " playback does work.


OTA to 3.701 worked on both my setups

OTA uptade to 3.701 without problem (Pi4 8Gb - SD Card 8Gb).

meaning ?

Thanks for update anyway :cupid:

The systemd units are occasionally trying to be too smart for their own good. A classic “chicken and egg” situation affecting mpd.service systemd unit and mpd.socket system socket on which mpd.service systemd unit depends.

Kind Regards,

1 Like

Hey @nerd , thanks for your hard work. Here’re my update for you. Both are 3.701 now.

RPi5 with 1TB NVMe upgraded OTA with no problem. The system reboot just fine.

RPi4 with a 32GB USB 3.0 drive upgraded OTA with no problem but I had to reboot manually twice (yes, 2 times) before it works again.


Yeah had the same here. Waited 5 minutes and pulled the plug. 2md time it booted through.
Seems related to the USB combi, same system with SD, no issues.

@naimnatnod, @Wheaten,

Rpi4 with USB combo, there is no other way I’m afraid. Problem lies in the eeprom init.

Kind Regards,

Dear Volumionauts,

The Volumio OS 3.701 has been promoted to the Official Release.The tap in this thread will remain open for a week, where only init related topics will be addressed. For plugins, functions please use standard help channels.

Kind Regards,