Unofficial Volumio3 images (with MyVolumio) for OrangePi SBCs with H3 processor

Tested with my I2S DIY Dac, OPI-PC, Oled.


this looks like a generic issue, not strictly related to the OrangePi images.

could you please report it into the Bug Reports section?

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new version 3.512 available

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How to use USB-OTG on the Orange Pi ONE?

why do you need it?

if you need the micro-usb port to work as host, you can try the suggestions from this link, but it’s not guaranteed it will work (I didn’t try)

Thnaks a lot.

Thnaks! Because the Orange Pi ONE has only one USB port, I cannot use a USB wireless network card and a USB audio decoder at the same time。 this linknot working!

got it, I’ll provide you something in the coming days

Thanks :+1:

please connect the orangepi-one SD card to your PC, and navigate into the folder “dtb” of the boot partition

replace the file “sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dtb” with the attached one (after uncompressing the .zip archive) (7.4 KB)

This is a temporary workaround, I will make sure the next releases will have this setting applied already

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:v:It works! Perfect! Thank you so much!


Do you think there’s any chance of having a version that works for the Orange Pi Zero 3?

unfortunately no, there is no plan to port Volumio on OrangePi Zero 3

New image 3.569 with Tidal FLAC


I did try to run the latest image (3.569) on OPi Zero (512Mb) but unfortunately there are no WiFi. Upon connecting to it over the console I don’t see wlan devices at all. Is it possible that it missing from .dtb ?
If you don’t mind share build system/sandbox preparation to be able to build the latest build - I can try to experiment with dts myself.

Thanks for your work!

sure, no problem at all!

you can do a local build of the image using our build-framework, you can find it here

you can also to build your own kernel with your own patches, here the repository with a build script that will create a package that can be used by the build framework

Hello. I’m trying to use GPIO Buttons on my orange pi but it doesnt work at all. I was connecting GPIO7 to 0V and 3V and nothing happened, volume have the same level.

Hi all! How can I change the display orientation in this version of the operating system?

I bought the display, but could not find a command that would rotate the image on this display.


  1. I disabled the touch display plugin and tried entering the command:

echo 3 | sudo tee /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate_all

Wonderful! Now the display shows the CLI correctly!

  1. In order for the computer to always boot with the desired settings, you need to edit the environment file: /boot/armbianEnv.txt:

overlays=i2c0 i2s0 usbhost0 usbhost1 usbhost2 usbhost3 analog-codec
extraargs=imgpart=/dev/mmcblk0p2 imgfile=/volumio_current.sqsh net.ifnames=0 hwver=orangepi fbcon=rotate:3

  1. We reboot the system and make sure that the CLI is displayed as we need it!

Fine! I found how to rotate the image on the display in the system (see post above).
Now I understand that the touch display plug-in is not working for me as it should! And most importantly, on my system its settings consist of only three sections:

  • Screensaver Settings
  • Mouse Poiner Settings
  • Scale Settings

And that’s the question - where are all the other sections?

  • “brightness_conf”
  • “orientation_conf”
  • “gpumem_conf”

those are only working on a RPi system, that’s why they are hidden in yours

I recommend to ask for help on the official thread of the touch display plugin