Tidal Connect Failures

Same issue on my android. Using volumio with Mano streamer tidal connect. It’s completely unusable, tidal will not play more than one track then crashes. Making volumio worthless to me as a tidal connect user.

It’s shocking to see this issue has been going on for so long, not funny that I was not warned before subscribing to a 12 month service that doesnt even work and has had issues for my months it seems according to this thread

I have been experiencing similar troubles for at least two months. Streaming from a Minidsp SHD to a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. This happens when streaming music via the Tidal app. Everything starts out ok, but my app quits updating after a few tracks. Music continues to play, but the track display information is froze so I’m left guessing where I’m at in an album or playlist. I’ve completed restarts, force stops, and removed apps and re-downloaded. I’ve also completed resets of my modem/router with no solution. Tidal connect worked flawlessly for me with another app (Cambridge cxn streammagic) before I changed to my current system.

Chiming in again. Error encountered again today while listening to Tidal’s Daily Discovery playlist. 6 tracks played well, Tidal Connect failed and locked ALSA device upon switching to track no. 7. No rapid switching involved, I just let the playlist play.

Once more, I went into Sources through the Volumio UI, switched the output device to something other than the current DAC output - in this case, from an I2S DAC to Headphones, hit save, switched back to the I2S DAC and saved again. Tidal Connect & playback functionality restored.

@Marco_Melziade @Darmur @volumio Please let us know if there have been any updates on this.

Sure! will do as soon as i have any updates. thanks for the collaboration
Volumio Support

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Agreed, I’ve noticed play back can stop randomly after so many tracks (without changing tracks quickly etc).

Not sure what’s gone amiss with all this, perhaps Tidal could shed some light on it.

FWIW Tidal Connect does seem a bit more reliable lately but hard to say.

Problem with RPi 3B + Fiio BTR3 + Volumio 3.703.
My BTR3 shows up in the playback options as it should but as soon as i start to playback a song from either Tidal on my MS Surface tablet or on my iphone no audio gets out to my amp. Same behavior if i start a song through web interface of Volumio. Its so disappointing since i went with the premium subscription just for the Tidal Connect feature. Hope that with a Topping DX3 pro+ that i m waiting to arrive will be of better luck.

No issues with the Topping DX3Pro+

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@Wheaten TU - Great to hear! Same setup? Rpi, Tidal connect, etc?

just one of them :rofl:

Mine has been going ok but eventually fks up and then I just change to the optical input (cca)

Hello Volumio,

Can someone from Volumio please advise if problem with freezing screen while playing from Tidal has been recognized ?! I emailed with Marco_Melziade but after one email all my responds to him come back as undelivered. At the moment Volumio software is not usable. When playing from Tidal just after a minutes when screen is turn off track screen freezing while music keeps playing. I have newest software and did all sort of things to eliminate other issues and nothings helps. Looks like other people also struggling with this. This is extremely frustrating issue please advise if there is any actions to sort this out ?

Hi Darem, Can you please tell me your email address? thats pretty strange.

However i apologize for the inconvenience you’re experiencing with the screen freezing while playing from Tidal.

Please make sure to have the latest version updated of Volumio and also:

Reduce Plugin Load: If you have multiple plugins enabled, try disabling some to see if this improves stability.

Check Network Stability: Ensure that your network connection is stable, as interruptions can sometimes cause playback issues.

Reinstall Volumio: A fresh installation can sometimes resolve unexpected behavior.

Let me know if this can help - meanwhile our development team is working diligently to resolve it.
Thanks again for the feedback

Hello Marco,

Got latest version of software.

No plugins installed.

Network is stable.

Volumio already has been reinstalled many times. Tidal as well.

None of this helps in resolving issue.

My email : rembaczd (at) gmail (dot) com

Modified mail, to avoid that people/robots start using it for spamming.

Hello to all Participants in this discussion.
For two years I’ve been paying to use Volumio premium because of Tidal Connect and I’ve had enough.
The thread in which I write, was founded in January 2021 and during this time the Team from Volumio can not deal with the problem of Alsa. Feels like most premium plan users, I bought this plan for Tidal Connect and this basic feature doesn’t work as it should. Maybe time in advertising materials write, that Tidal Connect works sometimes and we are not responsible for Alsa’s error?
I think I extended the Volumio paid plan for the last time and I will look for a streamer that gives the certainty of a stable Tidal Connect connection.

I understand this decision: while the most recent updates seem to be more stable, the bug is still very much present, can be triggered in the ways described lines above, and information is still not clear on why this is happening or when it will be fixed.

I’ve encountered the error a couple of times in different Volumio devices in the past week.

The quick fix for me is to:

a) quit the Tidal Connect connection;
b) force an ALSA / player reset by switching output to either HDMI or Headphones (anything other than the DAC intended for use) and waiting for the “Configuration update: Player restarted successfully” message; and
c) switching back to the intended output DAC to resume Tidal Connect and my playback queue.

FWIW, it might be a Tidal Connect protocol or implementation issue: a quick web search for similar errors on other streaming systems/solutions returns quite a lot of results.

@Marco_Melziade @volumio please, any input on why this is still an issue and what’s being done about it would be greatly appreciated by the community. Thanks!

It is frustrating, agreed. I’ve been without Tidal on my main system now for about 6 months which isn’t ideal. I may have to go the dedicated streamer route too.

A few questions though. This is being described as an ALSA issue and whilst I have / get the ALSA error messages myself I’m a bit confused by that. I’d have thought Volumio would create a connection to the DAC via ALSA once and then maintain an audio stream to the DAC independently regardless of how many times a user skips forward / backward on the Tidal transport controls? This may not be the best place for such a conversation :slight_smile:

One other question. I can’t remember from experience now but does the Tidal ‘app’ in Volumio have the same problem or is it just when using Tidal Connect?

It’s on the developers board with high priority. Keep in mind the holidays season. No ETA given yet.

Hi @Gareths, the native Volumio integration through the Volumio UI doesn’t have the issue.

You should be able to use Tidal without interrupted playback or connection problems through the Volumio app, a browser pointing to your *.local device or IP address, touchscreen control, or other.

In my experience it’s only Tidal Connect that is causing this behaviour and I’m inclined to think it’s a problem with Tidal’s protocol or implementation.

Have you tried using the native Volumio path (that is, within Volumio) to Tidal?

Yes it’s certainly annoying and ongoing ever since a few updates right after the high rest streaming, so something is definitely cocked up and unresolved. I still get playback fails after changing tracks or ramdomly after a while.

I probably could have kept Virtuoso sub and evaluated the player against other ones (but overall happy with Volumio). I don’t think it’s a RPi4 issue.