Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

Hi @pjorgenunes
do you have this crashes also with my out of the box skins (black-white, gold, …)
Which screen resolution do you use?
I think it’s not an absolute value of needle. I think it is depend on the meter dimension (size of meter area)

Hi @2aCD,

1920x1080 (but also happens with 1920x515 and x480).

It also happens with the skins that originally came. Gold, black-white (this ones crashed). Dash and Dash2 worked well.

The funny thing is that I monitor cpu in a ssh window with top command and cpu is almost always <10%…

Ok, the ‘black white’, 'black blue, gold have the biggest needles.
Can you please do the follow:
Start the peppymeter manually with:


Then start the music and let it run.
Do you see any error, when the meters freeze?

I’ll check that later when I arrive home. I’ll give you feedback on it.


What skins do you use? Does the same thing happen on the original ones?

Hmmm, what resolution of skins do you use?

Oops i forgot include, it’s 800x480

Write more information, it’s hard to respond if you don’t write more.

  1. 800x480 - custom or built-in?
  2. Show a screenshot of FileZilla loaded skins

Is this for me?

Sorry, I will delete it. I thought you were asking me before :slight_smile: Sorry :innocent:

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Hi @2aCD ,

in folder:

I ran the command:
bash (I had to edit it for it to run and not become black screen-it’s a thing with tinkerboard and x86, I believe):
#if ! pgrep -x “python3” > /dev/null
export DISPLAY=:1
sudo -k python3

And I get this on ssh console:
pygame 1.9.4.post1
Hello from the pygame community. Contribute - pygame wiki

As soon as I play some music I get this messages in ssh (but it the meter runs):
Exception in thread Thread-10:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 917, in _bootstrap_inner
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 865, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File “/data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/”, line 108, in titleinfo_thread
File “/data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/”, line 544, in render_text
self.screen.blit(self.imgSampleBackup, sample_rect)
AttributeError: ‘ImageTitleFactory’ object has no attribute ‘imgSampleBackup’

Then, after some time, the meter freezes (it keeps playing sound and the web interface runs smoothly).
At the crashing moment and after I don’t get anymore messages and I cannot even ctrl^c the pygame run in the ssh console.

After this, I can only get graphical interface and peppymeter to run again after a reboot.

PS - I tried it with GOLD meter

Hi @2aCD Falk ! No news about my click issue during performing music with peppy?
It’s truly an unbearable flaw that ruins everything.

Hi @Roberto_Grieco
I have no other response with this problem and I can’t reproduce it. It seems a problem with your sound card in combination with Spotify and peppyalsa.
I can’t change anything on the alsa configuration without create issues for other peoples.
I’ll send you in the evening the alsa config from my latest developer plug-in. You can try this.

Hi @eMCZe,
If the music ends the peppy meter screen still exist.
This is fixed with next version.

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It is not a ptoblem for me I was only curious. Both are screen savers.

Ok, thank’s Falk. The problem is only with Peppymeter, if I disable it, the music is ok without clicks. My sound card is an Smsl C 100 with AK4493S chip


Hi @Roberto the combination is the problem spotify-peppyalsa-Smsl. Not the soundcard allone.

try 1: (835 Bytes)

try2: (835 Bytes)

switch the alsa config, to enable it and restart.

Oh my my dear and so patient friend Falk @2aCD
The first file performs music & clicks the same.
The second don’t perform music and clicks because Spotify connect is ko,down …doesn’t function.
I think that’s impossible to me to use the “mighty” Peppymeter without clicks… :sleepy:
As you thougt my cocktail is no good for Peppy.
Damn !
I hope in the future development of the plugin…maybe it could be the right time…