Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

Download as Plugin:

Hey @Gelo5 just now I was trying to install Volumio but my install is getting failed. Not sure for what reason. I have attached a screenshot for your reference.

It never happened to me before…is this because of some new version ? Please guide me. Please note this is a fresxh installation.,

I am not even able to unsintall the plugin for fresh installation. (As shown in the 2nd screenshot)
errors message.txt (1.5 KB)

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What are you installing? The new version of Volumio or Peppymeter? You have something wrong. You can’t uninstall any plugin, not just peppy. Do a fresh install on the card or restore from a backup. is this Rpi?

Status :An error occurred while installing the plugin Error: Plugin peppy_screensaver already exists

The problem seems to be with all plugins. There is no “uninstall” button on any plugin

Thanks @Gelo5 I am trying to do a fresh install of Peppymeter. After following all the steps the moment when I run the below command on Terminal , I am getting the error =

Volumio Plugin Install

This is the latest version of Volumio which I have downlaoded from their website. Yes this is on Rpi4.

This uninstalation issue is only with Peppymeter…

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I have another Volumio setup running successfully with Pepymeter which was setup around a month back. Any suggesttion how can I create a copy of the same for another setup.

Make a copy of the working card and copy to the new one (the card cannot be smaller)


Thanks this finally worked…

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I am a bit new on linux, my questions:

I uploaded to my windows PC the zip file
How to transfer it to RPI, I cannot use fillezilla, it is not authorized by my company.


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Hello everyone,

I wanted to reinstall Peppy, I recently uninstalled it because I was using Roon and it didn’t work. My Volumio version was a year old. After I installed Peppymeter, there were constant sound interruptions. I uninstalled Peppymeter again and updated Volumio to version 3.538. In the “Touch Display” plugin I set the waiting time to 30 seconds. Now I have reinstalled Peppymeter and copied the templates to the “custom_5 (1920x480)” folder. Music is played back without any sound interruptions, but Peppymeter does not start. The waiting time in Peppymeter is set to 10 seconds and the corresponding tamplete is selected. Does anyone have an idea what I could have done wrong?

If you installed everything correctly, there is an error in the meters.txt file

I didn’t change anything in the meters .txt, I copied the zip 1480x320_TEST into the corresponding folder

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Reinstal peppy: Project with PeppyMeter Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO v2.9xx and 3.0xx buster - #1991 by Gelo5
Copy again
PeppyMeter Templates width: 1480 - #2 by Gelo5
Or copy this - verified (7.5 MB)

Have you set your monitor details in the userconfig.txt file?

Now I have reset Volumio to factory settings, reinstalled all plugins and checked the config and userconfig. Everything works, except the normal screen saver doesn’t start, nor does Peppymeter

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What plugins do you have installed?
Once again, take a screenshot of your Peppymeter setup

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Backup & Restore, Now Playing, Touch Display and Peppymeter. Ich hatte auch Fusion DSP aktiviert. Damit stoppte die Musik nach 10 Sekunden (Eingestellte wartezeit für Peppymeter). Nachdem ich Fusion DSP deaktiviert habe funktioniert auch Peppymeter einwandfrei. danke an alle die mir geholfen haben.


Peppy and DSP don’t work together.

THANK YOU so much for this fix! Installed peppymeter today and had same issue with Fusiondsp plugin installed.

What a lifesaver (was about to do a fresh volumio install, touch screen display plugin install etc. before I found this!)

Hi, sorry to bother you, I have a 1480x320 waveshare display, I can’t get the peppymeter to work, it’s like how I explained here, can anyone help me? Thank you

do I have the wrong peppymeter plugin? where should I download it

Hi, show me what you have in the userconfig.txt file (this is a typical error of this file). What monitor is it? Where do you upload files? You have the correct files in the post above.