Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

The meter starts and are stopped when pressing play and stop . this is the message , I guess the screen saver is configired properly . maybe there is another issue on my system

volumio@peppy:~/PeppyMeter$ python3
pygame 1.9.4.post1
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libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Exception in thread Thread-5:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 917, in _bootstrap_inner
File “/home/volumio/PeppyMeter/”, line 138, in run
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/”, line 251, in wait
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/”, line 278, in _process_packets
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/”, line 491, in _process_packet
delegate(parse_socketIO_packet_data(socketIO_packet_data), namespace)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/socketIO_client/”, line 513, in _on_event
File “/home/volumio/PeppyMeter/”, line 69, in on_push_state
File “/home/volumio/PeppyMeter/”, line 330, in render_text
self.screen.blit(self.imgFormatBackup, type_rect)
AttributeError: ‘ImageTitleFactory’ object has no attribute ‘imgFormatBackup’

Hi Lintbf, I have send you a personal message, to locate the problem

I can install this mod also on am x86 volumio version or only on rpi

Hm, an interesting question. I have it never tested on a x86 system. Maybe someone has already tried it.

Updated to v 3.078 from 3.074buster version for rpi and all is ok.

Hi together,

I have updated the download of install_peppy and meters on Post 7

The fixed issue is an memory leak, in random mode. More and more memory was allocated with every switch of meters randomly)

For an update from the previous version please replace all files from /home/volumio/PeppyMeter with new files from download (*.py and config.txt). Please also update the custom folder with new meters.txt (some changes also in meters.txt)

best regards

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Hi 2aCD, please let me know if the memory leak is in the PeppyMeter. I’ll fix it. Thanks!

Hi peppy.player I have send you a personal message.

hi, after followinf the steps, on vlumio 2.8 i’ve got

Failed to open “peppyalsa” [alsa]; Failed to open ALSA device “peppyalsa”: No such file or directory

could someone help me?


at first please check the thinks in post 6

with ‘aplay -l’ get your sound card device set the device in /etc/asound.conf
and check your /etc/mpd.conf, if peppyalsa set as output device. It is also explained in post 6

If the installation of peppyalsa successfully running.
Do you have start the workaround for build essentials before you have start the peppyalsa installation?

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please can you halp me on this post?

Hi together,

I have update the installer for peppyalsa.
The changes are only for a VOLUMIO 2.xx integration.

Now it works with an asound.conf.tmpl. The installer copied it to /volumio/app/plugins/audio_interface/alsa_controller
This template is used to create an active asound.conf in /etc/ depend on your Playback Options.
If you change your sound card or change the mixer a new asound.conf is created.
No more manually edit of asound.conf is needed. After the installation and reboot it works out of the box.

If you want update from a previous version, it’s only needed to copy the

to /home/volumio/Install_peppy
replace the old and run it again.

best regards

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Is there a posibility to see only the artist picture without starting the meters?
My main streamer has only 4.3 inch lcd, now I have installed only the contemporary optimization. I want to install also the peppymeter screensaver but sometimes I like to have only the contemporary optimization layout without starting also the meters.

Hi @Lintbf
why want you install the PeppyMeter screensaver without meters?
I’m a little bit confused, without meters you don’t need an installation of meters?


First part is only installing the optimization layout then also the meters.
When starting the song the meters are starting after 120s but sometimes I would like not starting the meters. Just stay in the initial screen.
It will be possible? Maybe to enter a high number :slight_smile: for the seconds.
Because sometimes I would like to see only the the albumart and song info without the meters.

i think you have to set the touch display plugin not on 120sec (default) but mutch lower

Ah I understand, you want sometimes disable the start of meters. Ok, at time you can disable the option ‘no screensaver for play screen’ but then you have the blank screen.
We need a separate option for this. Can you try to set the standard screensaver option to 0
I can’t this not do at time, I’m not at home :wink:

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Hi,. It worked :slight_smile: Thbaks, now I will install also in my main stream.
Enjoy your vacation!

Hi @Lintbf,
I would wait a little with a new installation. Peppy.player have released a new update of PeppyMeter with many changes for a better VOLUMIO integration. I think, I must also change the install_PeppyMeter script before, to use this correctly. I have no test this new version. I’ll do this, when I’m back :wink:

Many thanks for your info, I will wait for the new update :).
“New configuration parameter enables exit on touch event” looks interesting.
