Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

I am a little bit lost on step3 . I will install it on buster 3.074 version . could you pls point me on exact steps only for buster.

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For buster it’s easy, run only the install_peppyalsa script and restart. For a check run the console program that I explain on the end of step 3

Hi ,
where can I find the install_peppyalsa script?

Hi Lintbf
please download the latest from post 7 and copy the folder Install_peppy to /home/volumio. Inside the Install_peppy you find the

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Hi 2acd,
I have install that script. Should I run also the command with python3… Or all are inside that script? I have also copied the custom files

You need also the
That install python3 and all dependencies for python and the peppy meter standard and all my changes to interact with volumio.

If this all successfully you need the Change_touchscreen download from one post later.
This add the screensaver function and add the meters to UI of touchscreen plugin.

Hi @2aCD
I guess I need to start again because after last script instalation, touchscreen, I have seen vu meter option in settings but after restart when I press setings the page is empty.
Also the install appearance script is the same as in contemporary thread, v5. 4?
If I uninstall touch plugin and I install again, I have same behavior.

Have you the same folder structure in your /home/volumio/PeppyMeter as I’m my screenshot in post 7. Have you copied the custom folder with name custom in your PeppyMeter folder?
The install appearance is the same as in this thread

Hi ,
Thanks the custom folder contained another filder with custom_1920, I have removed the custom_1920 and let only custom → pictures. and it is ok . The options reapeared.
Now when I pres play nothing happens

*/2 * * * * /home/volumio/PeppyMeter/ > /dev/null 2>&1
volumio@peppy:~$ crontab -l
no crontab for volumio


I have forgot to install. Peppy alsa, I have install it, execute a song and vumeter on xmd line are shown but in the TV display nothing is shown…, only contemporary display

Ah ok, that sounds good, then the alsa pipeline is working correct. The next test in commandline is:

cd /home/volumio/PeppyMeter
export DISPLAY=:0

volumio@peppy:~/PeppyMeter$ cd /home/volumio/PeppyMeter
volumio@peppy:~/PeppyMeter$ export DISPLAY=:0
volumio@peppy:~/PeppyMeter$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 18, in
import pygame
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pygame’

I have install pygame - it was not isntalled with the script , I have excute your last comand and the VUmeter are shown :slight_smile:
but how it will start automatically ?

please check also the other dependecies:
for this start python3 and run:

import pygame
from socketIO_client import SocketIO
import cairosvg
from PIL import Image

If this alll run without error the installation was sucessfully

I have checked all and are ok. But when I stop the song the layout of the TV is changed to mod2 display and when I press play the screensaver is not started…
Aaa. I have waited and it started automatically.
Many Thanks for your support.

yes the minimum screensafer time is 60 seconds.
With TV you have no touch screen. Then its better for pygame to set the option:

mouse.nomouse = 1

in the config file /home/volumio/PeppyMeter/config.txt in section [sdl.env]
How smooth the meters are move, you can set with the last option

smooth.buffer.size = 8
set it to 10 then the meters are a little bit slower

and now have fun

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Hi Where could I find a download plugin for peppy meter and peppyalsa for Volumio 3? This is a very nice setup but I just want serial output and no video/HDMI stuff.


Hi 2acd,
I have observed an issue, suddenly the music is stop but the meters are continue to show on the TV. I also do a volumio stop from cli. My cpu temp is 63c degrees. I have also update the firmware of the rpi4. How do I stop the screensaver? Do you know what could be the reason?

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Hi @Lintbf
please try the a manually start. And look if a stop of play music stops the meters correctly.
Please run from cli before you start the music:

cd /home/volumio/PeppyMeter
export DISPLAY=:0

Then play music and stop the music. Is then stop the meters correct or see you an error in console?

Then you better use the plugin from balbuze