1024x600_New.zip (2.0 MB)
what can i say? so many thanks! awesome work!
You’re welcome. Have fun.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Volumio x86 + PeppyMeter
Hello Gelo5,
Would it be possible to create a screensaver for 3.5" 480x320
with the CD cover on the left and the title data, artist and playing time on the right.
thank you in advance
You already have such a saver. Install the now playing plugin.
Plugins/user interface
Oh thank you
how can I switch to this screen permanently on my display
Hi, where did you copy meters 1480x320? When I put them there, they are not visible in the Peppy menu.
Where to put it?. Click on my Avatar and there you have everything described
Thank you wery much, I’m an idiot and copied it into the folder
/home/volumio/peppy_screensaver/volumio_peppymeter/custom_5 (1920x480)
If you can admit you’re wrong, you’re not an idiot! Regards
Gelo5 did it
Hi, do you know if the sequence of commands in the meters.txt file…can be changed?
(obviously within each skin)
Thanks bye
You can change
yes i tried and work good.
the current time can also be displayed within the peppy screensaver?
No, not there
Hi all!
My file \var\log\mpd.log is growing very fast
And it mainly contains stuff like that:
e[1Ae[1AL: ============
R: =============
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e[1Ae[1AL: ===========
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e[1Ae[1AL: =======================
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e[1Ae[1AL: ==============
R: =============
e[1Ae[1AL: =================
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e[1Ae[1AL: ============
R: ==========
e[1Ae[1AL: ===============
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e[1Ae[1AL: =================
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e[1Ae[1AL: ============
R: =========
e[1Ae[1AL: ==========
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e[1Ae[1AL: =================
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e[1Ae[1AL: ============
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e[1Ae[1AL: ==========
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e[1Ae[1AL: =================
R: ===============
e[1Ae[1AL: ==============
R: ===========
e[1Ae[1AL: ===========
R: ==========
This is VU meters values logged in real time
So after listening couple of songs this file becomes several MBs.
How to turn this off?
Please make sure that the property ‘meter_show’ in your ALSA configuration file is 0 as explained here:
peppyalsa plugin wiki