Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO


Hi Falk,

Is it possible to add to meters.txt the following vars?

position.x = 
position.y =

So that we can set the position of peppy via the meters.txt instead of changing it per template in the peppymeter configuration?

Hi at all.
On my new Rpi5 8gb, i installed latest Volumio 3.703 ,TouchPlugin and Peppymeter 2.2.1 in sequence.
I’m not to be able to activate peppymeter, after installed touchplugin, i followed the normal instructions as Gelo’s. The installation finished without errors, but when i try to active it in in the installed plugin window, i put the slide in “on” position but the plugin is disabled (red dot) and if i go on settings the windows is empty( no configuration available)

  • Please uninstall Peppy.
  • Reboot
  • Open a ssh connection and run
  • sudo apt-get update
  • Install Peppy again
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@Wheaten Followed your instruction and now all is ok.
Thank’s you

Another question among FusionDsp and Peppymeter compatibility.
If i use togheter the 2 plugins,obiouvsly activating the Peppymeter’s FusionDsp integretion option, i hear stutterings and clicks, so i nedd to disactivate Fusion Dsp .
Someone could help me?

Hey @Roberto_Grieco
Now I don’t understand anything. PeppySreen - no clicks like before?

  1. Peppyscreen - NO stutterings and clicks (FusionDSP OFF - PeppyScreen ON)
  2. FusionDsp - NO stutterings and clicks (PeppyScreen OFF - FusionDSP ON)
  3. Peppyscreen + FusuionDSP (ON) - stutterings and clicks ???

Hi @Gelo5

  1. Peppymeter only: NO stutterings and clicks (FusionDSP OFF - PeppyMeter ON)
  2. FusionDsp only - NO stutterings and clicks ( FusionDSP ON - Peppymeter OFF)
    3). Peppymeter + FusionDSP (ON) - stutterings and clicks (and selecting in Peppymeter option panel, the FusionDsp integration option)
    Rpi5 8gb, Volumio 3.703 ,FusionDsp latest edition and Peppymeter 2.2.1
    That’s my issue
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Wasn’t this mentioned already to not use both at the same time, or am I missing something?

hi @Wheaten Surely i missed something…I ask my questoin because i saw in the Peppymeter option panel , an option for integration between Fusion DSP and Peppy, so i thought it was possible to use them togheter.
Now i’ts clear that it’not possible !

It’s possible (from ver 1.4), but something is clicking with you again

damn…and I upgraded also from rpi4 4gb, to Rpi5 8gb to have more computing power…I think the problem of stutters and clicks during playback is…just me, my presence near the streamer and to the DAC :smile:

There’s too much chi energy in your body. Not good for audiophile equipment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

the problem is that peppy uses an Alsa pipe, not the power of the rPi4.

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I wonder why only I have these clicks and stuttering problems…?
What am I doing wrong?

You could also try with tidal … now that it is cheaper .

because you keep on using Fusion and Peppy simultaneous?

Do you really need fusion dsp ?

@Wheaten @Lintbf
I naively thought that the two plugins could coexist together, to allow me to correct the sound of some albums or tracks that I didn’t like, simply adjusting the low, medium and high tones.
And seeing the various options of Peppymeter, I thought I could integrate them.
Furthermore, I am also curious and I like to experiment with the various possibilities of Volumio and its plugins.
But there’s no problem, I will listen to my liquid music in Pure direct mode !

I’ll say it again: they can

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Hi @Roberto_Grieco

What DAC are you using ?
Can you post your /boot/config.txt
Thank you.

I had the same problem, I am using InnoMaker DAC HAT ( I2S DAC ), I have to edit /boot/config.txt, at the bottom line

Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


dtoverlay is the DAC overlay, depend on what DAC you use,
InnoMaker DAC Hat use Allo Boss-DAC-pcm512x

remove the “,slave” at the end of the line , like this


it will let DAC not use slave mode, then save config.txt and reboot, the click and pop sound disappear.

maybe you can try it, hope you succeed.

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