Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

I just use a small regular wall plug adapter of 5V3A and a Topping D90mqa USB dac. Nothing fancy. What kind of problems do you have?

It crashes almost immediately with all circular ones. And the others sometimes…
I tried it with an external USB DAC and it’s the same.
Maybe My Volumio Primo Tinkerboard S has some issue… no idea.
Done another factory reset, install everything from scratch but the same behaviour.
You also edit the pam.d file and the file to make it run on tinkerboard, right?

Here is what I did to run on TBS.

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sudo
after the first line:
add this line of text:

auth sufficient

Then in the file:

sudo nano sudo nano /data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/

change the line:



sudo -k python3

Hi Andy,

Ok. So it keeps the same files editions (it´s what I do).

I have to assume that it is something to do with my Tinkerboard S (on volumio Primo) or some specificity on it’s implementation.

It ceased to work ok on version 1.4 of peppymeter and some 2 or 3 versions ago of volumio (don´t have the exact version when it worked).

Since it works in your Tinkerboard I give up on mine assuming it’s something very specific on mine :scream:

Thanks for your feedback,

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I just double check and can confirm that everything works well in my system.

HW: Asus Tinkerboard S
Power Supply: Cheap 5V3A wall adapter
SW: Volumio v3.691 (beta)
Touch Display: No need
PeppyMeter Screen Saver Plugin: v2.2.0

Hi Andy, thanks
Just try the gold base skin. Mine crashed 3 seconds after starting…

I am running with Gold skin and no problem.

And you’re going to visit Thailand. Andy will figure something out with this TB

I’ve been there in march… Bu only two days :crazy_face::joy::joy::joy:

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Just bought a ticket going in November this year!

@Gelo5 Are you coming too? :slight_smile:

I was there last year. You invited me for a beer, but you weren’t at home. Hehe
And soon @wheaten will put us in jail for this talk…

No I won’t still waiting for the six pack from Andy…

I don’t get this to work on my tinkerboard (must tey RPi) but at least I drank several Thai beers in Bangkok. Here’s one of them… Maybe it’s why I can not put it to work anymore… :crazy_face::joy::joy::joy: Sorry couldn’t help it…


And everyone got drunk on Andy’s beer. All Peppymeter problems are gone. The world is beautiful. The topic can be closed.
Moment, moment – wait a minute, wait a minute, this cannot be the end of the problems. Attack @2aCD and @peppy.player for new features, come up with new problems.
The show must go on


Hi @Gelo5,

please let me start the ball rolling by asking @2aCD if special characters in title or album, playinfo and albumart can be added by simply selecting from PeppyMeter setting in your next update.

Many thanks

Dear FM’s, can you please guide me on the 2 issues below —

.In this image if you see the font I have marked is too small to be read by somone who is visualizing the screen without Peppymeter. Please advise how can I increase the font size here to a decent size for helping someone like me to easily ready the information/

Finally, please advise how to get the Peppymeter showing above ful screen on the OLED TV or in 4K full screen pls

Edit boot/userconfig.txt (add)

hdmi_cvt 1920 1080 60 3 0 0 0


Sorry @Gelo5 - Tried your suggestions but it’s not working…I have shared the screenshots
