Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

Yes, we cannot forget Mr Gelo5… Thanks buddy.


If you forgot someone, it’s @peppy.player. I’m the least important here. Thanks only to @2aCD and @peppy.player. TY


You guys are incredible much like the “Three Musketeers” :man_dancing: :man_dancing: :man_dancing: of PeppyMeter Screensaver, each having your own field of expertise we can’t have anyone lesser to make the Meter possible and fun

Dear forum friends, all skins have been updated.
I hope you like one resolution skin and are satisfied.
I made them:

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the development of the plugin (tips, comments, videos, etc.): @2aCD, @peppy.player, @wheaten, @balbuze, @patrickkfkan, @naimnatnod, @dc2geeks, @dewen @gvolt and many others. Thank you very much
I still have a few ideas, but I can’t implement them because they haven’t been implemented in Volumio.
I have asked many times for:

  • adding a year - unfortunately @volumio says that this is unnecessary. I regret.
  • adding reading from TAG (cover, year, title…)
  • increasing the size of the loaded file

If I can, I will help anyone who asks

I am a paid subscriber Volumio, although another service offered me a free subscription (for making skins). I preferred to stay here. There is a great atmosphere here, the people are friendly and helpful.

Greetings to everyone and have fun with skins



Hang in there, Volumio is aware of the huge userbase regarding PeppyMeter :wink:


Does Volumio know that many users pay subscriptions just because they have skins from Grzegorz available? Without Grzegorz’s work, they would have gone to other competing free systems.


Good job Grześ with all the skins, I am very surprised that with your great work you are an ordinary paid user and not in the official Volumio Team.

Not sure if I understand you correctly, Peppy doesn’t rely on a paid subscription?

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I want to say that I know a lot of people who pay for subscriptions because they want the full functionality of Volumio and skins from Grzegorz. If there were no skins, they would change the platform to another, free one.

They want Volumio because of PeppyMeter but… They want PeppyMeter because of Grzegorz skins. No skins no - Volumio on RPi

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From my pov is a team work from peppy , 2acd and Gelo :slight_smile: . I thanks to all 3 and hope that work will continue . I remember back in time 3 4 years ago when I started to compile manually the peppy and peppy helped me ok other forum … , I struggle 3 4 was to make work on Volumio and had only one skin , the blue one , only one vumeter and also the screensaver I had to started manually …
Now it is so easy and fun . :slight_smile:

I agree, Gelo and 2acd are bringing lot of value to Volumio and this community. They have now been invited to the inner circle of mods and developers. Kudos to you guys!

As you might or might not know at Volumio we strive to provide the best experience possible to all users, indepentently from their technical skills. This is therefore a great chance to improve this plugins and make them available without having to SSH.

The whole volumio dev team is going to support this effort to make the plugins more stable, better integrated with volumio and easier to enjoy even for non-technical users.

If anyone else is willing to join our efforts, let us know here. Stay tuned


Finally , this is happen .
thanks Volumio !

Volumio listen :slight_smile:

Should listen what community says.

My first streamer I bought, it was on of the free system but I saw PeppyMeter with @Gelo5 skin on another device. My condition of purchase this streamer was that Peppy would be there even if I had to pay.

At this time I built many Rpi stramer for sell and all with Volumio because of PeppyMeter and Grzegorz skins.

It’s the reason why I think that this skins are one of the important reason to use Volumio.

Second reason… this thread is one of the bigest in this service, for me it means that users wants PeppyMeter and all time asks about new skins.

Somebody else think like me??


Hi all,

Our peppymeter+spectrum screensaver dev team has done it once again with new plugin v2.1.0 by @2aCD and 20 latest stylish skins in 1920 x 1080 resolution by @Gelo5. They work like a charm in my system. Thanks to them for making Volumio so fun and enjoyable.

Happy watching! :cowboy_hat_face: :sunglasses:

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Hurra!! Congratulation. By the way @2aCD was regular user not a dev team?? Shock.

Nope, the plugin developers are just community members like you and me. They shared there thoughts, time and design with the community.

SInce more and more features are added to Volumio I believe it’s a good progress to group them with Volumio. Hopefully this will avoid breaking things when some parts are being upgraded. After all Volumio is and will be an open source project.

You too?? Fuck. Sorry, I took few days from your life. I didn’t know, I was shure that you are in team.

I understand that somebody like me is community member. If I know I try to help… but people like you solved many problems and spent piece of life work here.

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yeah, what can I say.
I like Music, Volumio OS, the team from Volumio, and I took on the moderator roll on the forum to keep everything clean.
So for me it’s a bit of a hobby.


I think I speak for many if not all of us here. Greatly appreciated the help you have given to sooo many!

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