the last try (767 Bytes)
and always switch the alsa configuration befor you restart
the last try (767 Bytes)
and always switch the alsa configuration befor you restart
Hello, I wanted to install the peppymeter plug-in for my volumio, but since there are no guides for it in my language, I have problems with it. For now, I stopped at uploading the peppymeter plug-in via Filezilla, I don’t know what to enter to access the files on the SD card in my Raspberry Pi.
Can you help me?
1.Download the file:
2.Unpack on your computer
3. Transfer the entire unpacked folder (peppy_screensaver) via FTP to:
4.Connect via SSH to volumio:
cd /home/volumio/peppy_screensaver
volumio plugin install
Ok, thank you, but before that I need to check what FTP and SHH are
FileZilla - FTP, Putty - SSH
maybe this is something for you.
Hi, my friend @2aCD
“Habemus Papam”
Finally now the tracks don’t skip anymore.
You’re great!
Here you go @manepipoca
Hey @Roberto_Grieco, sounds super. I’ll publish it with next update
Great!!! thank you @Gelo5!! Tonight I’ll test.
I did a new installation now on my other streamer and it works perfectly.
peppymeter version: 1.4.0
volumio version: 3.616.
raspberry pi 3b.
spotify integration on, Alsa DSD native (separate pipe)
khadas tone 1 usb dac.
4.3 inch touchscreen, folder 800x480_custom_10
thank you @2aCD for the hard work you put into it.
Hi together,
a new version 1.4.1 is online on Post 7
It fixes some issues with Spotify in combination with some USB DAC’s and includes more control to start and stop it manually.
Have fun and best regards
Sorry for the complete newbie question but…
After you put a new template in do I have to do a restart to see it?
You don’t need to restart. Select in the application or on your computer resolution, select a skin. Play the song (the skin will start automatically)
Really sorry to post this, but please help.
I have the latest version of Volume on a RP4.
I am trying to install Peppymeter, but can’t seem to find the latest files, and instructions on how to Install.
I have followed Andys video, but the link to download the appropriate files does not work!
Many thanks
read install as plugin,
Since you prob. did all kind of thing, I strongly advise to perform a factory reset. To avoid running from issue to issue.
Hi Elis,
The guide to install Volumio and PeppyMeter video on YouTube was created at least 2 years ago. There are some changes on the location of the Peppy’s skins on the PeppyMeter 1.4.1. Beside that, you should be able to get it up and running.
Please let me know where you were stuck and which files that you need via private message so I can help you with.
Hi Andy
Thanks very much for your prompt reply.
Please can you advise where I can download the “Peppy Screensaver” file from?
Many thanks
Right after your post - @wheaten replied where to download it.
1.Download the file:
GitHub - All version Peppymeter screen
2.Unpack on your computer
3. Transfer the entire unpacked folder (peppy_screensaver) via FTP to:
4.Connect via SSH to volumio:
cd /home/volumio/peppy_screensaver
volumio plugin install
Got it, thanks very much.
One last question:
I downloaded a bunch of your 1920X1080 templates.
Where do I place that folder in the new Puppy structure.
Also, do I need to replace there TXT file?
Thanks very much