I have a Volumio Primo (TinkerBoard). I would divide this in two issues.
ISSUE 1: Most Important One
With previous version of volumio and Peppy_Screensaver 1.3.9 all was running well.
I have updated to latest Volumio version and to Peppy_Screensaver 1.4.0 and it runs apparently well but after track change or sometimes after a while the screen Freezes (it keeps running music and commands via web or android app but screen keeps freezed - only solution is reboot but tit freezes again).
Log here: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/hQSZS5c.html
ISSUE 2: Manual edition of two files to run Peppy_Screensaver
In Tinkerboard, and from what I remenber in X86, one must edit two files for Peppy_Screensaver to run (I’m not a linux specialist - far from that, but it seems to be associated with permissions needed).
The editions needed is:
FILE: /etc/pam.d/sudo
after the first line:
add this line of text:
auth sufficient pam_permit.so
(The above breaks volumio further updates)
Any chance of, in future versions the plugin run without this manual editions and not “breaking volumio”.
Many thanks for your great work and support!
********** UPDATE *************
I’m using 1920x1080 resolution with default templates and discovered that:
Tried 4 needle ones - ALL FREEZE - Gold, Black-White, etc
Tried 3 led vu-meter ones - ALL WORK FINE - Dash, Dash2 and Crystal
I suppose it has something to do with the “needle ones”?!
For Peppymeter to fill the entire screen, the skin must have the resolution of your screen. E.g. 1920x1080 screen - 1920x1080 skin, 800x480 screen - 800x480 skin etc. If in a 1920x1080 screen you choose the 800x480 skin - it will be small.
What resolution is your monitor?
I like purple. My wife’s birthday is Saturday so her color is purple. Thus, these purple skins is perfect gift to my wife. Of course they are from the Master Gelo5!
Hi together,
I have upload a Volumio image with all PeppyMeter dependencies here: Post 7
It’s for raspberry only and for testing. You can’t update the image inplace to a newer version.
But a PeppyMeter installation needs only two minutes to working meters.
have fun
Hi @2aCD Now i try, but the original file is named “Peppyalsa.postPeppyalsa.5.conf.tmpl” instead your file is named only “Peppyalsa.postPeppyalsa.5.conf” without tmpl…it’s necessary to add .tmpl ? or i can leave only “Peppyalsa.postPeppyalsa.5.conf” ?
However i named your file as .“conf.tmpl” and follewed your istruction but unfortunately the issue of skipping tracks remains. I tried either with modular alsa either with dsd native.
Since you are writing in the Peppymeter topic, you probably intend to use Peppymeter. You chose resolution 1920x480. There are 12 skins for this resolution. Think about it
Maybe 1280x400 or 1920x515 or 1480x320 would be a better choice?