did a new install (system v3.569) no error running “npm install al good no faults peppy installed.
but still the same problem with spotify.
ALSA configuration: DSD native.
FusionDSP installed internet radio is good, peppy works.
peppymeter kicks in, spotify stops after about 10 seconds and no movement vu meters.
Unfortunately I cannot test it, my dac only works in combination with FusionDSP (ian Canada FifoMa and pcm 1794A dac) without fusionDSP (spotify) there is no sound.
The MINOR issue is (already existed without PeppyMeter is when playing DSD files sometimes they start in “slow tempo”, like half speed, but after two or three restart plays it gets in the right tempo. After that all DSD files play fine until I play PCM files and get back to DSD (it seem like the resampling or something doesn’t get the speed of DSD file sometimes…).
Many, many thanks to @balbuze , @2aCD and @Gelo5 for their great efforts and work put on to this.
I prepared a small script. It downloads version 1.3.0 from github and installs it automatically. Just say Y to the plugin install question.
# Unzip check
if ! command -v unzip &> /dev/null; then
echo "cant find unzip. installing..."
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unzip
# Download
wget -O peppy_screensaver_1.3.0.zip https://github.com/2aCD-creator/volumio-plugins/raw/gh-pages/plugins/volumio/armhf/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppy_screensaver_1.3.0.zip
# Unzip
unzip -X peppy_screensaver_1.3.0.zip -d peppy_screensaver
# change folder
cd peppy_screensaver
# installing plugin to volumio
volumio plugin install
# Cleanup...
cd ..
sudo rm -f peppy_screensaver_1.3.0.zip
create a sh file in /home/volumio/
e.g.: sudo nano installpeppyfromgithub.sh
paste code
save and exit
make file executable: sudo chmod +x installpeppyfromgithub.sh
run: ./installpeppyfromgithub.sh
After instalation and change activation time to 10 sec works fine on MEDIUM meter folder. I can stop playing music and change meters to another. Push play and after 10 sec. PM works. Every custom resolution from Custom 1 to Custom 6 works… but Custom_7 (1480x320) not starts. If I change to another PM not works, till I reboot Volumio. It looks like Custom_7 crash PM till next reboot. Turn Off - Turn On plugin not help.
Your Custom_7 (1480x320) folder is preinstaled on 1.3.9 ver.
I use Waveshare 11.9 and 1480x320 is my correct resolution.
Any ideas ?? maybe somebody use it with Custom_7 ??