I have everything set up as in your screenshots. However, Peppy starts after 3 minutes? I thought it was the Now Playing plugin’s fault, but even though I turn it off, Peppy works after about 3 minutes?
can you please start a putty session and type:
journalctl -f
then play a song and look after your screensaver timout, if you have an error in console.
Can you answer? Just YES or NO is enough
I tried to install Peppy_Sreensaver_beta on a fresh new installation of Volumio 3.569 but it failed. I followed the the steps given in post 7. I could see that some config file where missing.
I deleted all files and went back to 1.3.0 and installaton worked just as it should.
I don’t understand what you mean exactly. I have no access to audio files and tags directly. I can only evaluate title infos provided by Volumio.
OK, I understand the problem. Next questions:
- Is it possible to add separate colors for: artist, album, title, etc.
- is it possible to add a separate “maxwidth” for artist, album, title?
- If the text is long (e.g. title), scrolling was from right to left. Now it’s left-right, right-left.
then after 2-3 scrolls - stop - starting from the left
Failed to start Music Player Daem ??? After entering this command I get this message. Reinstall Peppy. journalctl -f
hi 2aCD…wanted to thank you for all your work; it’s great that you’ve found some time again
what i would like to see is if your plugin could work together with the dsp plugin, that would absolutely be a great extension, and some would be very happy. balbuze had already tried to talk to you about it…i think with both of you together, the problem should be solvable
best regards
I think the first and second point is possible. The third point I’ll check.
Hi Aiello
I have to see how the dsp plugin works to be able to say whether both plugins can be used at the same time.
OK, thank you for the info. Next question: is it possible to add a mask (.fgr) for the entire screen? To cover e.g. cdcover ( photo in a circle, rhombus or square with rounded corners)?
Welcome back! It would be awesome if this could be launched as an official plugin
Hi …Im new here …
I was looking a spectrum skin for 1480x320.(waveshare 11.9")
I couldnt find that.
Hi, this is a thread about Peppymeter. Peppyspectrum has a separate thread: PeppySpectrum - The plugin!
There is no resolution for this yet, but it will be…
Hi Gelo5, step by step, not to fast
Yes theoretical it is possible to add a new layer with a mask for albumart. You need then a separate png with transparency.
I have note that to my list.
I have check out the problem between peppy screen and fusionDSP and find the reason and solution.
I’ll publish it with the next beta.
This has accumulated due to your absence. I have a few more but… step by step, not to fast…
Just one more: Peppymeter + Peppyspectrum (Sorry)
- Abilty to activate Peppy via GPIO, so you can use a button to switch between “Now playing” or Peppy
wowww Brilliant; many thanks
That’s really good news, I´ve been waiting for this for a long time.
Thanks for all your work with this plugin!