Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

@Roberto_Grieco I replaced my Raspberry Pi 4 for a Pi5 and now everything works fine.
I haven’t changed anything else in the setup other than the raspberry.

how is this possible.
In this setup I no longer have to upsample via FusionDSP :confused: Spotify also works well with the old 4.0.5 Spotify version and the new 4.1.0. nice work :partying_face:
what still needs to be done is "dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus
" in the boot/userconfig.txt Because of this.

so with a raspberry pi3 and 4 it doesn’t work with peppy meter in my setup.

ian canada isolator II
ian FifoPi Ma 1.5.
ian ess saber mkII
ian IV output transformers.