[PLUGIN] IR Remote Controller feedback thread

Hi Gvolt,

I use the Audiophonics Mini, not the Raspdac, and I already have installed a higher version of the img. Volumio. and use the DAC and mini board without the LCD of the mini, but want to use the remote

Thanks for your time

I didn’t find an “Audiophonics Mini” without “Raspdac”. So, before we talk past each other: Do have you a link to the device?

oh sorry the its a raspdac mini

AUDIOPHONICS RASPDAC MINI LCD Kit DIY Streamer for Raspberry Pi 4 & DAC ES9038Q2M - Audiophonics.

where can i find this?

i use WINSCP

I guess this is still valid.

Using WinSCP alternatively to accessing Volumio’s Samba share “Internal Storage” should also be possible. I am not familiar with WinSCP as I rarely use Windows, but you should be able to establish an SFTP connection from your PC to Volumio and copy the extracted folder “Audiophonics RaspDAC Mini” to “/data/INTERNAL/ir_controller/configurations” on your Volumio system. It’s probably just drag’n’drop.

if i open INTERNAL its empty

Did you already install the IR Controller plugin?

just drag and drop this two files

or the map

No, extract " Audiophonics RaspDAC Mini.zip". Then drag and drop the extracted folder “Audiophonics RaspDAC Mini” (containing the two files “lircd.conf” and “lircrc”) into “/data/INTERNAL/ir_controller/configurations” on your Volumio system.

P.S. Did you install the IR Controller plugin?

no i did not install the IR controller plugin, i do now

i have install the plugin i have drag and drop the extracted folder

i have install it select the mini what must I do with the GIO configuration

You need to select the GPIO number corresponding to the pin the IR receiver is connected to on the Pi.

how can i see that?

the ir has three pins

on the board GIO 04

Could you post a picture?