PeppySpectrum - The plugin!


When I mad copy I did a mistake regarding the name of the directory. So I tried to rename it to follow your. But I get this error. looks it is not possible to have “(” in name.

volumio@volumio:~$ cd /data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates
volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ dir
volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ mv Gelo5-800x480x30 Gelo5(800x480x30)
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(’

what’s wrong ?

I did something else :
on my PC :slight_smile:
C:\TEMP>scp Gelo5(800x480x30).zip volumio@volumio.local:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates
volumio@volumio.local’s password:
Gelo5(800x480x30).zip 100% 5634KB 4.7MB/s 00:01

On volumio
volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ dir
99-bars-freq(800x480x99) Gelo5(800x480x30).zip
volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ miniunzip Gelo5*.zip
MiniUnz 1.01b, demo of zLib + Unz package written by Gilles Vollant
more info at "Unzip" library renamed to "Minizip"

Gelo5(800x480x30).zip opened
creating directory: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Electro_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Electro_fgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Electro_indic.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Kenwood_480_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Kenwood_480_indic.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Kenwood_480_indic_down.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Marshal_480_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Marshal_480_indica.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/MC255_480_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/MC255_480_fgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/MC255_480_indica.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/naim_480.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/naim_480_indic.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Nixie480_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Nixie480_indic.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/OldWood_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/OldWood_fgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/OldWood_indic.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/REHER_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/REHER_fgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/REHER_indic.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/spectrum.txt
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/TurnOld_480_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/TurnOld_480_fgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/TurnOld_480_indic1.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/TurnOld_480_indic2.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Wood1_480_bgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Wood1_480_fgr.png
extracting: Gelo5 (800x480x30)/Wood1_480_indic.png

then dir
volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ dir
99-bars-freq(800x480x99) Gelo5\ (800x480x30)

due to the “(” in the names I cannot dir the contents of the directories. But within volumio I see it. BUT not displayed.

I am confounded !!

I am at the lastest versions of volumio and peppy.

can you help ?

Show the contents of the spectrum.txt file

here is the content of the template dir.

volumio@volumio:~$ cd /data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates
volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ dir
99-bars-freq(800x480x99) Gelo5\ (800x480x30)

how I do to cd as the “(” is not accepted . There is something is it not clear regarding the naming.

volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ cd Gelo5\ (800x480x30)
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(’

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TEXT from spectrum.txt!
Replace the spectrum.txt file (740 Bytes)

Hello. As I wrote above, if you just install the plugin, it can’t work due to a recent change in peppyspectrum GitHub. I need to rework on the plugin…
A install from before April 4th still works though.


In addition this concerns the NAMING. the folder is named “Gelo5(800x480x30)” with caracter “(” that is not accepted when type direct command under ssh. for example
cd Gelo5(800x480x30)

volumio@volumio:/data/INTERNAL/PeppySpectrum/Templates$ cd Gelo5(800x480x30)
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(’

Due to that I cannot acces to the contents of this direcorie an its files.
Can you avoid to use surch caracter ? and use “_” or “-” that are accepted ?

Dear Peppyspectrum users,
I’m glad to announce the plugin v0.0.20.
It now uses Peppyspectrum Picasso edition.
The big change for you is the naming convention for custom spectrum folders.
It must be :
widthxheight+nbars-description. Description can’t include “x”
ex: 800x480+99-99bars
to test : (16,1 Ko)

Warning! spectrum.txt must include for each spectrum

topping.height = 2 (adjust value)
topping.step = 2 (adjust value)

It is still beta, so remove previous, reboot, install, enjoy!


Thank you !
I fresh install volumio 3 on Pi 4 4MB, Touch Display Plugin, then
PeppySpectrum 0.0.20 plugin, it is not work ( no response to music play ) until I install Peppy Meter plugin 1.5.

It seems some music format can not trigger the Peppyspectrum.
for example, Spotify 320k, WebRadio with 48 kbps ( for example : ICRT ). 128kbps mp3 webradio is ok. Local file ( MP3, flac ) seems ok, too.

Maybe my 16g micro-SD card is too slow ? I will try another card and do more test.

Can you try to install FusionDsp and even if you set no effect, see if better? It works on my system.

Hello :slight_smile:
After install FusionDsp ( set to no effect ), Spotify and most WebRadio works, except 48kbps MP3 WebRadio ( eg. ICRT, Audio Noir ).
Thank you, the Spectrum is amazing !

thank for feedback!
I tested AUDIO NOIR and it works for me. But low quality stream : samplerate":“24 kHz”,“bitdepth”:“24 bit”,“channels”:1
What spectrum do you use? Your own?

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I use internal build, marshall2(800x480x55).zip and Gelo5 (1920x1080x55), all the same result. The spectrum “flash” once then repeat “flash” periodic.

Can you success in ICRT ( Web Radio, 48 KBPS ) ?
Here AUDIO NOIR also shows 48 KBPS.

Thank you.


The 99 columns works fine now, good job.
It left to be able to use dsp at the same time.

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HI @balbuze

Would it be possible to have in place of the title the name of the track + the rate and definition ?

Hi something magic happened this week.

Back home after a week out of home i started my hifi system to relax

Dsp plugin set active, volume control by software, peppy spectrum active as well.

Soectrum works sound is there, i can use dsp for loudness !!!

Is there any changes you did ?

Alsa pipeline is now as it should! Previous version was a workaround to keep mpd alive, but with known issues…
With recent volumio and new MPd, it now works!

Hi balbuze
It is in progress, some issues I dectected:

Dsp + spectrum does not work together for defaults settings 420x800 s1 to s6. But work for the one with 99 columns

Sometimes the bars desepear

The hight of the bar follow the volume , that is good, but When put the volume off on dsp the hight of the bar is not = zero.

Hope this helps.


Non working factory spectrum are not the plugin issue. It’s because two lines are missing in the spectrum.txt.
Spectrum that diisappear is a problem I met too… I’m in touch with the peppy Alsa dev.
For the level, spectrum is not influenced by the setting of volume. This is the full signal after the Dsp. Need to check.

what do you mean?

Hum, let me be more clear :slightly_smiling_face:

It seems that the height of the bars depends on the sound level. When the volume (software) is at zero, the height of the bars is not at zero even though it should be the case, if it follows the volume.