PeppySpectrum - The plugin!


When I try to run the plugin from console I get this error:

volumio@volumio:/data/plugins/user_interface/peppyspectrum$ bash
pygame 1.9.4.post1
Hello from the pygame community. Contribute - pygame wiki
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 712, in
pm = Spectrum(None, True)
File “”, line 63, in init
File “”, line 113, in init_display
self.util.pygame_screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_w, screen_h), pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.NOFRAME, depth)
pygame.error: Couldn’t set console screen info

Any thoughts?
Paulo Nunes

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Enable plugin test mode in IP/dev
Then you’ll be able to install the plugin from the store.

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It’s on x86?

I installed it that way :wink:

Sorry for not mentioned it. It’s a Tinkerboard ASUS.

never tested on Thinkboard…
Did you have Peppymeter working on it?


I’m able to run peppymeter with some tweaks on file pam.d and running the .py with sudo -k (tried the same tweak on peppyspectrum but no luck).
This is a tweak that someone told here in the forum (sorry don’t remember now who). I know it breaks volumio but nothing that a good old factory reset won’t solve if there is the need :slight_smile:
peppymeter runs 99% of all linear meters and 0% of circular meters (with circular ones it crashes and need reboot after some seconds).

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A 99 bands spectrum resolution 800x480

99-bars-freq(800x480x99).zip (16,3 Ko)

And I lost my job :sleepy:

nice knowing you Galo :joy:

Hi, Rye en :joy:

Also, I appreciate your response. I’m not very knowledgeable about software. Please let me know how to set up Peppy Spectrum in detail( step by step ).
Im using 1280x400 HDMI screen.

You have to create your own spectrum.
See how @Gelo5’s are made.
Correctly name the folder: myspectrum(1280x400x30) and place it in


Then you should be able to use it in the plugin!

done with version 0.0.19 :wink:
requires Volumio >=3.631

Would you please be a little more detailed?

run plugin test mode (volumio.local/dev) and install from plugin store.
Then download skins for your resolution (in this thread - PeppySpectrum - The plugin! - #80 by balbuze). Unzip and place in the Template folder.
You need to add it in spectrum.txt:

topping.height = 1
topping.step = 5

When I have some free time, I will change the spectrum.txt file

Thank you so much… I will try to do this steps… :+1:

As you mentioned above do i need to add topping.height = 1
topping.step = 5

in each meter text…?? My screen is 1280x400 wide.

Yes. But you can have a look at my 99-bands-freq above.
It is ok except the size.
Remember the naming for the folder is:
My spectrum(widthxheightxnumberofbands). Example metal-spectrum(1980x400x50)

:sunglasses: im totally confused… As i told you in my earlier message, im a beginner … Anyways let me try this… If anything goes wrong, then i will get back to you.
