New Volumio Spotify Plugin Open Beta-Testing

I would also like an answer to the same question this person asked!
What is needed to be able to play different content simultaneously on several Rasperry PI 3?

Need a Premium Volumio account?
Or Spotify Family?
Or maybe both?

Currently there is the following set: New Volumio Spotify Plugin Open Beta-Testing - #123 by Martins_Kambaris

Look forward to a reply!
Thank you for your already invested work.

Hello again! I Uninstall beta Spotify plugin. Update to the latest version of Volumio to 3.324. I restarted Volumio, then looked for the latest version of the Spotify plugin and installed it. And I joined with my Spotify account.
I found the album and played it, everything sounds very good.

But there is a Problem!

As long as I don’t touch any button on Playback, everything plays. As soon as I want to press the next song, it does not switch and starts playing the previous one from the beginning.
Also, when I select another song from the album list from the Queue, it is not played, but the previous song starts playing from the beginning.
Sometimes I manage to switch another song from the queue when I pause the previous one and then select from the list. But when I press the next song, the first song starts playing again.

But if nothing is touched, the songs are played according to the list. :slight_smile:

Also, the time of the song does not always show the correct one already in the middle of the song, but it shows only a few seconds.

I also added a log:Preformatted textStarting Live Log…

info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getHwuuid
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller system enableLiveLog true
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , enableLiveLog
info: Launching a new LiveLog session
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
 volumio : unable to resolve host mjas-mzika
 volumio : problem with defaults entries ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ;
 volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig eth0
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
 volumio : unable to resolve host mjas-mzika
 volumio : problem with defaults entries ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ;
 volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig wlan0
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root

 volumio : unable to resolve host mjas-mzika
 volumio : problem with defaults entries ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ;
 volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig eth0
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
 volumio : unable to resolve host mjas-mzika
 volumio : problem with defaults entries ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ;
 volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig wlan0
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root

info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
info: Listing playlists
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getUiSettings
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: wizard , getShowWizard
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getShowWizard
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getPrivacySettings
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioToken
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay

[SpotifyConnect] unSetVolatile called
info: Spotify Unset Volatile called
[SpotifyConnect] Relinquishing Volumio State to another service
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
info: CoreStateMachine::play index 15
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::stop
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined

info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 159503 }
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 15
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 15
info: [1658232445431] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232445520] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 15

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService play
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 15
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232445540] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 15
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 15

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus play
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: [1658232445577] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (201334 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] :  (153190 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232446467] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232447107] ControllerSpotify::pushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 228114634485834096950694739414835929167, audio_type: Track } }
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
[SpotifyConnect] Vollibrespot Active
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: [1658232447179] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 228114634485834096950694739414835929167, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 228114634485834096950694739414835929167, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Ghost
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232448029] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus play
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: [1658232448059] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 1 callbacks suppressed
Under-voltage detected! (0x000d0005)
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232448748] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
ALSA lib pcm.c:8424:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232449642] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232449725] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: Received Get System Version
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemVersion
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232450717] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
rpi_firmware_get_throttled: 1 callbacks suppressed
Voltage normalised (0x00080008)
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioRandom
info: CoreCommandRouter::writePlayerControls
info: CoreStateMachine::setRandom false
info: Spotify Random: false
info: [1658232458658] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Attempting to resolve page "hm://context-resolve/v1/"
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Shuffle { status: false }
[Vollibrespot] : error 404 for uri hm://context-resolve/v1/
[Vollibrespot] : ContextPollError: MercuryError
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay

[SpotifyConnect] unSetVolatile called
info: Spotify Unset Volatile called
[SpotifyConnect] Relinquishing Volumio State to another service
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
info: CoreStateMachine::play index 32
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::stop
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined

info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 12785 }
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: [1658232462039] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
info: [1658232462204] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32

[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService play
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232462231] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus play
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: [1658232462260] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] :  (211649 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232462996] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] :  (201334 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232464413] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Hot Shit (feat. Ye & Lil Durk)
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232465856] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
[SpotifyConnect] Vollibrespot Active
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: [1658232465930] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232466606] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPause
info: CoreStateMachine::pause
info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::servicePause
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePause
info: Spotify Received pause
info: [1658232467910] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 4786 }
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232468789] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232468803] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay

[SpotifyConnect] unSetVolatile called
info: Spotify Unset Volatile called
[SpotifyConnect] Relinquishing Volumio State to another service
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
info: CoreStateMachine::play index 32
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::stop
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined

info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: [1658232470529] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (211649 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232471648] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService pause
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Hot Shit (feat. Ye & Lil Durk)
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 285 }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
[SpotifyConnect] Vollibrespot Active
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: [1658232472701] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232473389] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Hot Shit (feat. Ye & Lil Durk)
info: [1658232474519] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232474537] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus play
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: [1658232474561] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (201334 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 152674314396362002746270549442642159350, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Hot Shit (feat. Ye & Lil Durk)
info: [1658232476383] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
Under-voltage detected! (0x000d0005)
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232479798] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
Voltage normalised (0x00080000)
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPause
info: CoreStateMachine::pause
info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::servicePause
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePause
info: Spotify Received pause
info: [1658232491356] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 16000 }
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232491886] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232491901] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay

[SpotifyConnect] unSetVolatile called
info: Spotify Unset Volatile called
[SpotifyConnect] Relinquishing Volumio State to another service
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
info: CoreStateMachine::play index 48
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::stop
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined

info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop
[SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 48
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 48
info: [1658232493536] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (148064 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232494574] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 48

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService pause
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 48
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Pause
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 381 }
[SpotifyConnect]  SUPERMODEL
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
[SpotifyConnect] Vollibrespot Active
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: [1658232495000] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  SUPERMODEL
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232495418] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 48

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus play
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: [1658232495449] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232495673] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track } }
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[SpotifyConnect]  SUPERMODEL
info: [1658232496018] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 264823415039530225937335634782640469355, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232496080] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (201334 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: Is Not Connect Playback
info: [1658232497582] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPause
info: CoreStateMachine::pause
info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer
info: CoreStateMachine::servicePause
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePause
info: Spotify Received pause
info: [1658232504764] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 8458 }
[SpotifyConnect]  pause
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232505331] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232505338] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioVolatilePlay
info: CoreStateMachine::volatilePlay
info: Spotify Play
info: [1658232506881] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Play { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 8888 }
[SpotifyConnect]  play
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232507406] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioNext
info: CoreStateMachine::next
info: Spotify next
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Next { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232509776] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink released
info: [1658232509783] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus play
info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33
info: [1658232509794] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Fetching autoplay context uri
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 321686394502750714320166474221213508625, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232510706] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is inactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sweetest Pie
info: [1658232511169] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33

info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   stateService stop
info: CoreStateMachine::syncState   currentStatus stop
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioNext
info: CoreStateMachine::next
info: WARNING: Cannot execute Action because no volatile plugin is defined
Under-voltage detected! (0x000d0005)
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioVolatilePlay
info: CoreStateMachine::volatilePlay
info: WARNING: No play method for volatile plugin undefined
Voltage normalised (0x00080000)
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioVolatilePlay
info: CoreStateMachine::volatilePlay
info: WARNING: No play method for volatile plugin undefined
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
 volumio : unable to resolve host mjas-mzika
 volumio : problem with defaults entries ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ;
 volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig eth0
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
 volumio : unable to resolve host mjas-mzika
 volumio : problem with defaults entries ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ;
 volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig wlan0
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root

info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
info: Listing playlists
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getUiSettings
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: wizard , getShowWizard
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getShowWizard
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getPrivacySettings
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPause
info: CoreStateMachine::pause
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan
process exited with code null`Preformatted text`

Jul 18 01:43:31 volumio volumio[672]: info: Failed to Set Device Active: Error: Not Found
what do this means?

1 Like

The Volumio fully reinstalled to latest version (3.324). Spotify plugin installed. It’s working but peppymeter needles are not moving. With previous version was required to adjust “volspotify.tmpl” in “spop”
device = ‘peppyalsa’

but it’s not working with latest Spotify plugin . Any idea how make needles moving when Spotify play?

What happens as you set mixer type to software or hardware in settings/playback options?

checking…BTW also getting errors when choose something from my Spotify library. ON fist click. Then on second it start working:

error: An error occurred while listing Spotify my albums WebapiError: Forbidden
info: Web API failed due to error forbidden, refreshing token
[Vollibrespot] : ReqToken
info: New Spotify Access Token Received
info: Initializing Spotify Web API
info: Initliazing Spotify Browsing Facility

when change Mixer type to Software…no sound from Spotify and in log:

info: Exploding uri spotify:track:4DtCy79x9OqJ4UebQrHUcL in service spop
info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue
info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay

info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::stop
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined

info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
info: [1658484005281] ControllerSpotify::clearAddPlayTrack
info: Setting this device active
info: Failed to Set Device Active: Error: Not Found

did you reset it to original after activating mixer type software?

yes, of course. and after restart I hear sound from Spotify also in Software Mixer type. But Needle still not moving. The “volspotify.tmpl” is untouched without adjusting

for both my volumio players I have the same problem, changing mixer type to software works for me.
I don’t know why it doesn’t work for you either.

i use khadas tone1 and hifiberry dac .


only changing the mixer type to “Software” and needles are moving when Play Spotify? NO adjusting in Spotify Plugin setting? I’m Using RPi4 and Justboom DAT HAT

I also have no volume settings control in the Spotify plugin, but volume can be controlled in volumio and Spotify connect app.
both Rotary encoders also work.

can you tell me your Volumio version?

Thank you. so have some time now. Will try from scratch with your version. Have 3.324 now. Maybe compatibility issue

well. I can confirm that Peppymeter doesn’t work with latest Volumio version vs Spotify. I have installed 3.251 and set Mixer type to: software. After installing the Spotify plugin from official library it’s working as expected

Peppymeter works with Spotify for me with system version 3.324.

have had the same 3.324 and needles not moving. With older version all is OK

Strange. It works well for me.

Yes…I did not expected such a issue. Anyway lucky you :slight_smile:

This is more of an issue to report to Peppymeter plugin developer.
If he uses properly Volumio AAMMP, it shall just work

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