New Volumio Spotify Plugin Open Beta-Testing

Unfortunately the latest version is worse for skipping tracks on my system. I uninstalled the previous version, restarted and installed version 3.03. Then I played a track from my phone’s Spotify app, selecting Volumio as player. Instead of playing the track it skipped through a number of previously queued tracks. Same problems if I select tracks through the Volumio plugin.

Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
HiFiBerry DAC2 Pro via wifi
Volumio Premium 3.301
Spotify plugin V3.0.3


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Hi SimonE
what is the output of


I have had a similar problem. The thing is, is not working. So I modified /etc/hosts and added a line:
that points to the ip of, which works. Give it a shot.

I did a Factory reset! Setup from scratch…only installed the Spotify plugin to begin with, closed the window, closed the door, and without hardly breathing…Spotify finally started to play!
The counter shows everything correct…even the skipping works! I will try some more, and then go to bed! Peace!

That line is already in the /etc/hosts file

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Yes, already there in mine too.

And it’s prefixed by the info line

spotify HOSTS FIX

So probably a recent attempted fix.

At least for every skip i see this in the log:

info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
info: No code
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : error 400 for uri hm://autoplay-enabled/query?uri=
[Vollibrespot] : AutoplayError: MercuryError

I can easily force this error by selecting a playlist via the Volumio UI, press play and then load a playlist on my phone and start playing to Spotify connect. The skipping start.

tested the same on LMS + Spotty (librespot) But I can’t reproduce this error.
The differences i can find with Spotty vs Volumio are:


  • Optimize prebuffering => Checked
  • Disable asynchronous token refresh call => checked
  • Use Spotify’s Fallback Access Point => checked
  • option for your own App ID (error 429)


  • Spotty doesn’t load the complete playlist when using Spotify connect, but only the current played track
  • maybe Micheal Herger (Creator of Spotty for LMS) can give some pointers?

can i ask why there is no update function present? one has to be aware that an update is available (there is no “update available” notification", then uninstall the present version before being able to install the update.


I have updated to 3.0.3 but cant play songs, when press on song skip sec. it will show Spotify API Error Not Found

It would help a lot if you provided more details of your system and what you’ve already tried. AND logs.

First thing I’d check is that you have logged in with your Spotify account in the plugin’s settings.

Second thing I’d try is to uninstall the plugin, restart your Pi and then reinstall the plugin.

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As @SimonE mention:

  • Make sure your on Volumio V3.301
  • Remove every previous installation of Spotify
  • Disable every previous plugin (first get Spotify working before anything else)
  • Reboot
  • Follow the instructions as given in the start topic.
  • Add you Premium account in the Spotify plugin
  • enable the log.

if it still errors out, copy the link to the logs in your topic.

Thanks to everyone again.

Further work into the plugin today, hope a new release by the end of the week :wink:


fingers crossed!

thx very much i have follow ur instructions but still have error and the log is here.

Is it only erroring out on these tracks or with every track or other album?

TRACKBLOCK {"uri":"spotify:track:4xqUroNrreYU2CobUl84NH","service":"spop","name":"Boss","artist":"Mirror","album":"Boss","type":"song","duration":242,"albumart":"","samplerate":"320 kbps","bitdepth":"16 bit","bitrate":"","trackType":"spotify"}

This is probably a naive question, and given all of the work that has gone into this new plugin, probably not welcome :slight_smile:
Before Volumio 3, and before the original Spotify plugin stopped working, all I had to do (I use my android phone as the controller) was open the actual Spotify app and select Connect To Device and then select Volumio and I could control Spotify from the Spotify app connecting to Voluimo. I found this a MUCH better way of playing Spotfy music. If I wanted to play from my personal music collection (very rare) I would use the Volumio app.

Unfortunately now, the Spotify app doesn’t see Volumio unless you open Volumio, start playing something using the Volumio Spotiy plugin and then go back to the Spotify app and you can control it but tat that point the 2 apps start playing a tug of war so it’s no longer worth doing.

So, as noted in the first paragraph, why bother with a Spotiy plugin for Volumio, and just have it setup so the Spotify app can see the Volumio app?


That should not be the case.

The new plugin is designed to work BOTH as Spotify Connect and Spotify client.

So, simply installing it and activating it, should make it visible from your Spotify App, without the need for a login…

Can you provide more info on your setup? Can you try:

  • Uninstalling the plugin
  • Reboot
  • Install the plugin
  • Open the spotify app on your mobile or PC.
  • Do you see the Volumio Spotify Connect device?
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I can confirm this behavior and it’s only with Andriod.
If I do a clean start of Volumio, open my Spotify app on android, Volumio doesn’t show up.

If I do the same with my iPhone, Volumio shows up.

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