New Volumio Spotify Plugin Open Beta-Testing

I did set it to none, as I use my NAD to control volume, however now I checked it, it’s put to undefined.

Set it back to None now.

Also tested on my 2nd system:

System Information:

  • rPi4-8GB, rev 1.4
  • Pro-ject Pre-Box S2 Digital
  • NAD D3045
  • Volumio V3.251
  • Volume setting to None
  • No plugins enabled
  • one modified file to enable radio station logo’s in favorites.

After installing and entering credential, the Spotify plugin page won’t refresh, even after reloading the page. Volume slider is not visible.
After reboot, the Spotify plugin page shows that I am logged in, but also got the slider back.

I will do a clean factory install on this system and test again. to be sure there is no leftovers from previous installs etc.

Tested again with a clean install, Volumio V3.301.
The slider is not visible.

Also found out the reason for the slider error. It’s related to the unofficial MPD_OLED plugin. After installing it the slider got back. Unfortunately removing MPD_OLED doesn’t remove the slider.

IMHO, nothing related to MPD_OLED…
The screen you show is from the old plugin… How do you install the new plugin?

used the link/package from your posting. topic [PLUGIN] MPD OLED - installation & configuration plugin - #255 by balbuze.

No other plugins, besides Spotify, were installed. Before MPD_OLED no volume slider in Spotify, after MPD_OLED, the slider got back.

I mean Spotify

latest version V3.03, from the official plugin page

weird. I’m using Spotify+MPD_OLED ok…

Weird it is.
Just a clean install, only the Spotify plugin. After reboot the slider is not present. Installing MPD_OLED, volumio vrestart, Slider is back.
Will do a factory reset and repeat the steps. this time including the screen without the slider.

In the previous version, the slider was shown only if mixer is set to None in playback…

edit : bingo, this is always the case

Then I have to ask,

If my mixer is set to none, as I want to control via my Amplifier, why does it give the slider as it seems a bit unnecessary?

If Volume is Fixed in the plugin, I agree it should be hidden…

So clean install:
Mixer => None

No Plugins:

Installed Spotify, No slider:

Install of MPD_OLED:

Slider is back:

I see a reboot is needed to get slider appear with only Spotify installed. Installing Mpd_oled trigger Alsa update. It should occurs when something changes in playback setting, but this is not the case indeed. But using an other plugin that update Alsa stack should give the same result.

Practical speaking, I put the slider to Max and Internal Volume to Fixed. Only reported it to answer M’s question.
I am OK with it :smile:

I have the same problem, please help me! I had trying fixed my volumio since may, and i can’t.

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Please explain which problems, as “the same” is very wide description.

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Oh! sorry i think that i had tagging in comment before, so my problem is this. When i put music in spotify, i can select volumio in my devices but when i do that the music no start.

Its the same when i tried do by the webpage, i can select my playlist but when i’m playing the song it doesn’t start

Sorry :smile: for my English, I’m learing now!

Hi volumio,
Thanks for the work so far, appreciate it.
System: raspberry PI 4, 8GB, Hifiberry DAC Plus.
Volumio 3.301, Spotify plugin 3.0.3

As I could not reach previous spotify 3.0.2, I re-installed the Spotify plugin 3.0.3. When selecting a song, an error appears Spotify API error. At some point I was able to play a song, but later on no control anymore. Restarted raspberry, no change. Reinstalled the plugin, no change. See the log:

Hi there volumio,
Just to let you know I’m also having problems. When I go to play a track on spotify it, I don’t hear anything and the UI doesn’t update - however when I refresh the UI it shows the track playing but without the track position being advanced. Each time I refresh, I can see the track position advancing as if it’s playing. However, there’s no audio… Other sources work fine.
System: raspberry PI 4B, 4GB, Geekworm DACPi DAC
Volumio 3.301, Spotify plugin 3.0.3