JustBoom IR Remote Not working Volumio 3

what I already stated. if you looked closely at the start page it says that only play/pause/mute/volume/next/previous/seek repeat and random works.
so that up and down won’t work or you have to ask in the original remote control post.

even if you try 1000 different remote controls the result remains the same or you have to ask the developer of the plugin if he wants to implement extra functions in it.

If you don’t mind I’ll stop now because everything is now working as intended.

Having the Volumio playing, but the play and the next buttons and up/down wont work, what’s the point of having it, if you can’t select and play or skip a song.
I like the player since the IR sensor work, but it’s the great if i can’t control all the functions with a remote.

Ok, all over the buttons on the JustBoom ir remote don’t work. How can i install lirc to the player to learn the commands of any ir remote. like a universal remote


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If installing one of these justboom hats here How To Configure JustBoom With Volumio • JustBoom connecting the IR Receiver to the hat will it enable the Justboom remote control the player.
like Playback, next and all other functions.

I think this is about a justboom dac and not infrared, those are two different things.

so i wouldn’t know.

So you telling me that since i said that the led on the ir sensor blinks as i push the button, also mean that it is not work right.

have you done what @Wheaten suggested. gives remote pulses.

Well, well, well, after changing over from 3.3v to 5v, the sensor is now going.
It has been the 3 day when booting up the Pi 4 loading up volumio player, i tried the justboom remote and i still have contact. the volume works.
One problem is, why won’t my Justboom ir remote don’t work like the up/down/ left/right/ ok/home buttons dead. but the volume/shuffle/mute/ redeem works great. I have the profile in the player selected on justboom.

Yep, it works.
I change it to 5v and now the sensor work.

Hi @michel8166
I’m also struggling to get a remote to work, this time it’s the Odroid remote. What I’ve tried:

  • Removed screen and HiFiBerry Hat, so just a bare RPi4 and headphones, so nothing else using pins
  • Set the plugin as follows:
  • Also tried pins 23 and 25 and 3.3V and 5V
  • IR receiver flashes ok, but no change to volume
  • tried @Wheaten 's suggestion of adding dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=23 to userconfig.txt (when it was connected to pin 23)
  • I powered off before changing pin connections and tried unistalling/reinstalling the plugin. (and hit save when changing the plugin settings!)

Dead receiver maybe? It’s a brand new one: https://www.tinytronics.nl/shop/en/communication-and-signals/wireless/infrared/ir-infrared-receiver-module-38khz-940nm

System Logs

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what do you have in playback option/volume options/mixer type?

I will try tonight if I can get Odroid remote working with a normal 3,3 volt infrared sensor.
I then use a logitech touch remote and then have to program it via the harmony software.

A bit worried here.
This module has a 5V OUT level to your GPIO. Did you use a resistor to lower the the voltage?

A GPIO pin that is designated as an input will allow a signal to be received by the Raspberry Pi. The threshold between a high and a low signal is around 1.8V. A voltage between 1.8V and 3.3V will be read by the Raspberry Pi as high; anything lower than 1.8V will be read as low. Do not allow an input voltage above 3.3V, or else you will fry your Pi!

Normally set to hardware, but I tried software as well.

Thanks. Would you recommend not using this module? It’s back in 3.3V now and the Pi’s is alive and well thankfully.

I would recommend HX1838 IR receiver 38kHz - HX1838

You can check if it will work on 3.3V, so you don’t break your rPi.
Or use this module but put 2 resistors in the circuit. Make sure to have a ratio 1:2, like:

okay, just tried it quickly with a normal 3.3 volt infrared receiver odroid remote works.

so somewhere it will not work on 5 volts, as @Wheaten already indicated.

Thanks, I’ll try that. VCC to 5V or 3.3V with the resisters in place?

Thanks, I’ll let you know if it works.

Already put the input voltage in the drawing. :smile:

So all this does is
5V / (10 + 20) * 20 = 3,3V
5V / (10 + 20) * 10 = 1,7V

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