Issues with RPi5 + Waveshare HDMI display

I got messages from Waveshare:

Rain (Waveshare)

Dec 7, 2023, 18:50 GMT+8


I will test the Volumio system for you
Best regards

Raspi ??

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yes, RaspiOS 32-bit

Prepared, running, Works the same like on RaspiOS 64bit :

Dispolay but not rotate.


I changed orientation used mouse and select Screen Configuration from the Preferences menu. Right-click on the HDMI-A-1 display rectangle in the layout editor, select Orientation

My observation is that the screen can’t be rotated after applied this:

that’s why, of course thanks to @gvolt I use this command:
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate right

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My observation is that my 11.9 not start :wink:

well, my screen looks very similar to your. And it started to work.
My best guess it is because of PEBKAC :slight_smile:

ofc it is a joke :slight_smile:

I don’t need this command on Raspi. Mr. Rain from Waveshare wrote me that in Pi5 I should rotate with Screen Config.

He still monitoring situation.

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It may be truth, but for now my Wavashare 7.9" works becuase of this.

When I activated it, my screen started to live - I could see booting message /disturbed but it was first live symptome/ and finally login screen to volumio - in wrong rotation.
Problem was the Touch Display coudn’t start due to Error connecting to Xserver.
Above error has been fixed by @gvolt by creating missing: 99-vc4.conf file

My is blank at start

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Maybe you had some ideas overnight, in your sleep :slight_smile: ??

Maybe I prepare second one set Pi5/Waveshare 11.9" and send to one of you :slight_smile:??

EDIT: It’s not a joke.

Now I have problem but I think that maybe near future somebody else want change Pi to newer in system with 11.9"

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Good news from Mr. Rain ( Waveshare )

I wait for instructions and give report.

Hi sent mi userconfig.txt:

"# Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates


hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3
but still the same. If I use command: dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d screen powered off backlight.

What the …

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what port are you using? HDMI0 or HDMI1?

the same like on photo above from Waveshare. HDMI near USB PowerSupply

To sum up:

RaspiOs 32 at first start:

RaspiOs 32 after config in Screen Configuration

I don’t need to change any command in config.txt.

After changed SD Card to Volumio:


If I started Volumio in original config backlight is still on. If I only add “dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d” or “dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi5” I have backlight on after start and backlight off and " no HDMI signal" LED.

I tried :



hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3




hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3



hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3



hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3

still nothing.

I edited userconfig via Notepad ++ and via Putty “sudo nano /boot/userconfig.txt”

I upgraded Pi5 firmware to newest.

I checked 6 HDMI cables

I tried with two Pi5

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How did you do that?

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  • I put to Pi5 SD card with RaspiOS,
  • connect via WinSCP and use Putty,
  • run commands:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
  • reboot

My firmware checked via SystemInfo Plugin was:

Firmware Version: 2023/10/30 16:45:10 Copyright (c) - (embedded)

Now is:

Firmware Version: 2023/11/20 19:40:17 Copyright (c) - (embedded)

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OK, you did with RaspiOS

Yes. You told me that with Volumio it destroy system. You are specialist and I listen what you said.

But new firmware nothing change. Raspi works, Volumio not.

I ask Waveshare what they done because I still have no hdmi signal LED.

I use command boost with higher value but without result.

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@Darmur @gvolt @Wheaten

I enabled TEST MODE and upgrade to 3.584 ( I know, is unstable, unchecked, untested ) and restart system.

and connected to the Waveshare 11.9 witout any change in userconfig and config line and…

JUPI !!!

Now I will try to configure screen after that install TouchDisplay and check LCD

Yes I know 3.584 is unstable version, I will wait for official but with sure that LCD working.

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