Install DSI display driver

Hello, I have bought a DSI display for my Raspberry 4 with Volumio. Volumio is the latest version and TouchScreen plugin too. When installing the hardware the screen does not turn on. Then I have seen on the manufacturer’s website that I must install a driver.

Is it possible to install this driver in Volumio? Or should I return the screen because it is incompatible?


Dear @keko123 please post what for screen you have
With all the info of it so we could help you with it.

We got @gvolt he knows a lot of many screens if you post all
The info he could take a look for you.

Best regards,

Hello dvo,

Here can read manual for install driver


Do you want to add a hat or dac on your pi?
Because this screen is using pins of your 40 pin header

We should wait till gvolt respond on the topic i don’t know if he is
Already back from vacation like everybody.

I use two external USB dacs. An IFi Neo IDSD and a Topping D30 pro

Thanks for your help

Is the backlight lit at least?

Did you double check the wiring between the display and the Pi?

Please describe in detail what steps you took to install the display software wise.

Please post the output of

cat /boot/config.txt


cat /boot/userconfig.txt

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Is the backlight lit at least?

No. Only one led on the display board lights up

Did you double check the wiring between the display and the Pi?

Yes, I have even used two different 15PIN FPC cables

Please describe in detail what steps you took to install the display software wise.

I installed the Touchscreen Plugin 3.3.5. Then I installed the display hardware. When it didn’t work, I uninstalled the 3.3.5 plugin and installed 3.3.1. Now if I try to install 3.3.5 again I get an error

Please post the output of

cat /boot/config.txt

initramfs volumio.initrd

include userconfig.txt


cat /boot/userconfig.txt

# Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates


Sorry for asking the obvious: Are the SDA, SCL, GND and +5V wires are also properly connected?

This is most probably a network or software repository issue. These errors are not detected by version 3.3.1 of the plugin. This has the effect that the plugin only seems to have installed successfully but can’t work correctly. So I strongly recommend to use version 3.3.5. If the installation process aborts most often you just have to try to install the plugin repeatedly.

To get the display working you might have to do the following:

sudo curl -L -o /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/WS_7inchDSI1024x600_Screen.ko

sudo curl -L -o /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/WS_7inchDSI1024x600_Touch.ko

sudo curl -L -o /boot/overlays/WS_7inchDSI1024x600_Screen.dtbo

sudo curl -L -o /boot/overlays/WS_7inchDSI1024x600_Touch.dtbo

cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)

sudo depmod

sudo modprobe WS_7inchDSI1024x600_Touch

sudo modprobe WS_7inchDSI1024x600_Screen

Then modify “/boot/userconfig.txt”:

cat >> /boot/userconfig.txt <<EOL



Please note I have no experience with this display and just extracted all that from Waveshare’s install script. No clue if it will work…

Thank you very much.

With these commands to install the Driver and adjusting the brightness it worked


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Hello. I don’t know if I’m wrong, but the new version of Volumio supports DSI waveshare displays? If so, how will I install the update and will the display automatically start working?

If it is about the Waveshare 11.9" DSI screen you mentioned here, have a look here.