FusionDsp : the complete Dsp center for Volumio3!

Can you send log when the problem occurs?
Can you test with FusionDsp v1.0.49?
Thanks for your feedback

Hello Everyone,

I have an issue with FusionDSP that Iā€™m hopeful someone can help me with please.

Version 3.569 on a x64 Dell 5070 Thin Client.

Logs: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/IZmHKvf.html

I create a working DSP crossover for two way speakers and it works fine until I reboot and the same config does not auto load or work if I manually reload it. The only way I can get it working again is to change from camilladspGUI to say 3 Band EQ then back again and recreate. Itā€™s very confusing and Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just me setting something wrong. I have attached my yml config below and have had a look through and canā€™t see anything obvious.

configs (1).zip (808 Bytes)

Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!


Hi All!

Long thread, too long to read it all for a new Volumio Rivo ownerā€¦
Is it possible to select integer upsampling only? From 44k to 96k is always a bad choice, as you will introduce non existing bits to the signal and CPU has to do foat operations. If you up sample always multiply by 2x, 3x, 4xā€¦ to nearest stated max (96kHz or whatever is max on your DAC, giving 44.1, 88.2, ā€¦, 48, 96,ā€¦ etc) It might give a small improvement as it will place the DAC filter at higher frequencies. Please do not say its not hearable. I hear on my horn high end system difference between Native Tidal, Tidal Connect and standard Volumio upsampling or not :wink:


Please see what Enrik Enquist, the author of CamillaDsp wrote to me:
"About resampling, with the camilladsp resampler there is no quality difference between for example 44.1 ā†’ 88.2 and 44.1 ā†’ 96. But doing 44.1 ā†’ 88.2 uses a bit less cpu since the FFT can use ā€œeasierā€ lengths. In practice I donā€™t think it matters, the Pi has enough cpu for both. There are algorithms that perform better when doing integer ratios but Iā€™m not using any of those.

Yeah, suspected such an answer. I do NOT agree on his conclution that this does not matter on sound reproduction since there is enough CPUā€¦ I agree on a ā€œnormalā€ hifi setup, but on ā€œhigh endā€, small details matter to tweak out the last bit of performance. I can try to take it up with CamillaDsp author(s)ā€¦

Hi is it possible to change Bass and Treble with rotary encoder so that Rotary Encoder 2 plugin can drive the FusionDSP?

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@balbuze sorry to tag you directly but you seem to be the fountain of all knowledge for this and i am well and truly stuck. Any advice gratefully received whenever you return from your Christmas break! :slight_smile:

Hi Balbuze, are you back from your Christmas break? Please could you help me with this as i currently canā€™t listen to music which is needed to soften the shock of being back at work! :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the delay.
I canā€™t work on it before this weekend.
I keep you in touch



That was with testing 1.0.51.
The problem of it hanging when restarting / shutting down was due to the fact a track was playing while initiating a restart or shutdown. If you press pause and wait a couple of seconds, then restart / shutdown happens as it should, immediately.

Although it wasnt an issue prior to 1.0.51, I could shutdown without hanging whether a track was playing or not.

I use GPIO buttons to initiate the shut down and have slighy modded it to stop play, wait, then shutdown. which works well.
But could be and idea to be implemnted in Volumio to stop play before shutting down.

There you go :slight_smile:

Thank you

@balbuze Thank you for creating this plugin. Paired with HouseCurve, it has made a huge improvement in my listening experience.

is it possible to name your config camilladsp.yml and see if ok?

I will try tomorrow thank you, i seem to remember i did use the gui to save to the default camilladsp.yml already but will try again and check.


I found an issue when purecamilla gui is used. After a reboot, camilla is not restarted.
We having a look to fix thisā€¦

Amazing! Thank you :raised_hands:

hi balbuzeā€¦the 2aCD with the peppymeter screensaver plugin is back, maybe you two can solve the problem together so that your dsp plugin runs together with hisā€¦some people would be very happy :slight_smile:

FusionDsp v1.0.52 stable

  • attempt to fix consumed seconds on track begin

Fix issue on some case were track begining is cut


Hi @balbuze ,

Just installed v1.0.52 and when I try to play DSD files it doesnā€™t play (with resampling ON).

Looking at Camilla log:
2024-01-19 23:42:34.050486 ERROR [src/bin.rs:344] Playback error: ALSA function ā€˜snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_nearā€™ failed with error ā€˜EINVAL: Invalid argumentā€™

It was working in v1.0.51

Any ideas?


Iā€™m using Volumio Primo internal DAC (so analog output)

Thank You for all work you have done with this plugin!
It.s simply great!
Regards / C