FusionDsp : the complete Dsp center for Volumio3!

Please, can you send logs?

Hi @balbuze , now that error is no more. :+1:

Hi balbuze,
is it somehow possible to use the inputs from my usb soundcard within the CamillaDSP Gui? I want to use CamillaDSP for an active crossover, but I will have to mix the signal from Volumio with the external input from my AV-Receiver pre-outs since I am using the speakers for streaming with Volumio and as part of my home theater.
Thanks in Advance

If you have a PREMIUM account, it works out of the box.
Just use camilla GUI to create your crossover. See : FusionDsp How-to

FusionDsp v1.0.53 stable

  • fix for pur Camilla GUI

Update and reboot

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But I only see two input channels in CamillaDSP. I want to use Volumio streaming and the external input simultaneously. Choosing the external input in the Volumio Gui as source is no option, since I want to listen to music and e.g. play xbox at the same time. I am currently mixing them analog behind the dac, but that does not work when I want to activate my currently passive speakers.
Best regards

A way would be a plugin to mix both devices before sending to CamillaDsp.

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Agree love Fusion dsp


I found both links quite helpful for creating filters for digital room correction. The second one is probably a bit more technical and precise, but the first tutorial is easier to follow.

Is Volumio version 3.569 compatible with FusionDSP for Raspberry Pi 5? I am currently struggling with the FusionDSP settings and donā€™t know if I am doing something wrong or if there is a fundamental error in my approach. Iā€™ve tried FusionDSP with variable sample rate and also with a fixed 192kHz, but unfortunately, FusionDSP keeps crashing.

Without FusionDSP, everything runs smoothly. However, when I try to incorporate a delay for the tweeters to align with the woofers, FusionDSP always goes offline. What am I doing wrong?

Does the following log output mean that CamillaDSP shuts down upon startup? But why? What is the reason for it? I even set up Volumio completely anew, and I still canā€™t get FusionDSP to work.

--------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
info: ControllerMpd::getState

info: FusionDsp -  ---- read samplerate, raw: 192000,S32_LE,2,32
info: FusionDsp -  ---- read samplerate from file: 192000
info: camilladsp stopping service pid 1184...
info: camilladsp service terminated, instance 1
info: FusionDsp -  If filter freq >samplerate/2 then disable it


websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 406, in start
    resp = await task
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aiohttp/web_app.py", line 435, in _handle
    resp = await handler(request)
  File "/data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/cgui/backend/views.py", line 90, in get_param
    result = cdsp.get_volume()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/camilladsp/camilladsp.py", line 276, in get_volume
    vol = self._query("GetVolume")
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/camilladsp/camilladsp.py", line 131, in _query
    raise IOError("Lost connection to CamillaDSP")

please, send logs : How to send a log link for a bug report?

It should workā€¦ Similar with crossfeed in FusionDsp using :

Hi, here is the log: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/Y0ubI45.html

Even if I take the finished YAML configuration file from here (GitHub - Wang-Yue/camilladsp-crossfeed: BS2B crossfeed using CamillaDSP) and only add my device, CamillaDSP goes offline: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/Gx4iJ97.html

  adjust_period: 10
    channels: 2
    extra_samples: 4096
    filename: /tmp/fusiondspfifo
    format: S32LE
    read_bytes: 0
    skip_bytes: 0
    type: File
  capture_samplerate: 0
  chunksize: 4096
  enable_rate_adjust: true
  enable_resampling: true
    channels: 2
    device: postDsp
    format: S32LE
    type: Alsa
  queuelimit: 1
  rate_measure_interval: 1
  resampler_type: AccurateAsync
  samplerate: 192000
  silence_threshold: -60
  silence_timeout: 3
  stop_on_rate_change: false
  target_level: 4096

My USB DAC is correctly recognized via ALSA.

volumio@volumio:~$ aplay -v -D hw:SABRE /dev/zero --dump-hw-params
Playing raw data '/dev/zero' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
HW Params of device "hw:SABRE":
RATE: [44100 768000]
PERIOD_TIME: [125 1000000]
PERIOD_SIZE: [8 768000]
PERIOD_BYTES: [64 6144000]
PERIODS: [2 1024]
BUFFER_TIME: (20 2000000]
BUFFER_SIZE: [16 1536000]
BUFFER_BYTES: [128 12288000]
aplay: set_params:1339: Sample format non available
Available formats:
- S32_LE
- DSD_U32_BE

Please can you update FusionDsp to v1.0.53 (I released as stable).
This a fix for Pure Camilla issue.
Very important! : Have you tested an other mode in FusionDsp (Eq3) to check if it works?
Let me know

This update fixed my problem. Thanks a lot.

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If I look at the impulse response graph in REW and measure the time between the two peaks, that is, between the tweeter and woofer, and then compensate for that in FusionDSP, shouldnā€™t the time alignment between the tweeter and woofer be visible in a subsequent measurement in REW? Unfortunately, I donā€™t see any changes here.

Are you sure the FR in your filter concerns the tweeter?
Try to add more delay to see if something changes.
But never tried such case.
Bi wired with 4 output channels if possible is a way to get it.

Okay, when I play something, the Camilla GUI gets reset. Essentially, everything becomes empty, only resampling to 48kHz is enabled. I assume this happened because in the FusionDSP settings, I was not on Pure CamillaDSP but on 3 Band Equalizer, for whatever reason. Well, I switched it back to Pure CamillaDSP, loaded the YAML config, and ā€œofflineā€ again. Now, at least I know why I canā€™t measure any changes. But somehow, Iā€™m back to the error from yesterday, despite updating to v1.0.53.

Hereā€™s the log for that: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/Gx4iJ97.html

In the log, I noticed that under installed plugins, FusionDSP is listed as version However, I have installed version

Strange behavior: when I switch to Pure CamillaDSP GUI in the settings, the link to the GUI becomes localhost, i.e.,, instead of the IP of the RPi5. However, I can still access it through the actual IP of the RPi5 using port 5011. When I load my YAML config, CamillaDSP goes offline again.

Yes, sometimes IP returned by volumio is not updated properly. Go in network settings then go back in FusionDsp
If you want to use personal settings in CamillaDsp using pure gui, you must let mode in Camilla pure gui. If you switch to a different mode, your settings are replaced by FusionDsp.
Did you updated FusionDsp from the store?
Have you a button ā€œupdateā€?
Try to remove previous version and reinstallā€¦

There was no update button. I uninstalled FusionDSP and reinstalled it. Maybe I shouldnā€™t have run apt-get update & upgrade under ssh. So, I uninstalled FusionDSP again and reinstalled it. Now, at least, the correct version is listed in the log, but it still crashes and goes offline. When loading the YAML config through the button on the CamillaDSP GUI, an error is displayed. However, CamillaDSP GUI wrote the config itself.

2024-01-24 11:01:12.539562 ERROR [src/bin.rs:777] Invalid config file!
mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 38

this is definitely something to NOT do on Volumio

better to start with a fresh system