if i understood right, you say AutoPre, set -db when there is a +db in Filtersetting and some db ( -2) on top to save for Clipping?
But when there is no +db in Filtersetting, will the AutoPre set -db for save to, or will it be not?
Sorry for that Englisch
I am asking, cause i use a Low Cut Buterworth at 49HZ with 8. In Pipeline on CamillaDsp seems no Overhanging about 0DB, but with AutoPre there is Clipping shown in CamillaDSP.
No big Problem for me, i could handle it manually, but maybe the Info helps.
When I try to install the FusionDsp plugin ,it displays an error message:
An error occurred while installing the plugin Plugin failed the dependency check Volumio version 3.211.0 not usable with plugin. The plugin cannot be installed on this version of Volumio.
I have tried all the proposed versions of FusionDsp: 1.0.45, 1.0.47 ,1.0.48.
When only negative values are found -2dB is set because even in that case clipping may occur due to phase rotation.
But I need to check in your case with the kind of filter you have.
Edit : I made some test and I can’t get clipping even at 0dB. Auto preamp in V1.0.48 set -0.05dB with your filter though
I discovered that when creating filters using rephase that .txt format is accepted by fusiondsp but there is no change to the sound as evidenced by before and after sweeps with REW. Using 32 bit LPCM .wav format worked correctly. I haven’t tried any of the other options.
Cheers and thank you for your work.
I tested filters made in Rephase, exported as txt and everything works as expected…
Are you sure you use Paragraphic Gain EQ and not Paragraphic phase EQ ?
I was able to get a room eq from REW (see below), now how do I load this into Volumio and Camilla? Thanks.
Filter Settings file
Room EQ V5.20.13
Dated: Jun 29, 2023 7:36:51 PM
Equaliser: Generic
Test Jun 29
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 37.75 Hz Gain -6.20 dB Q 6.184
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 46.45 Hz Gain -8.10 dB Q 4.861
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 51.90 Hz Gain 6.00 dB Q 6.875
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 71.20 Hz Gain -10.70 dB Q 5.532
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 91.00 Hz Gain -6.00 dB Q 2.000
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 187.5 Hz Gain -3.30 dB Q 17.256
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 236.0 Hz Gain -2.80 dB Q 4.997
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 320.0 Hz Gain -8.20 dB Q 4.981
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 416.0 Hz Gain -6.40 dB Q 4.951
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 693.0 Hz Gain 6.00 dB Q 1.000
Filter 11: ON PK Fc 765.0 Hz Gain -6.90 dB Q 1.526