About the PeppyMeter Templates category

This category is intended to collect all created templates for PeppyMeter, to avoid that they are scattered across multiple topics and hard to find.

To keep this clean and structured, please follow these guidelines.

  • The main topics are seperated by screen width and within these topics by height.
  • Every subtopic contains the following information:
    • Resolution:
    • Template name
    • a 400 px width screenshot of the template
    • Instructions if needed
    • Download link, containing
		*.needle.png or *.indicator.png
		*.meters.txt (only for this template)
  • If you want to comment on these templates, please only do this in the “Questions and suggestions for templates” topic.
  • If you like a template just place thumb or heart, dont reply within the topic. Replies will be (re)moved to the main topic

How to create a template:
peppy_meter for rPi:
peppy_meter for x86:

example posting: PeppyMeter Templates width: 1280 - #28 by Wheaten


Hello. Could someone please enlighten me about Peppy Metres? I have loaded Gelo5 1280x400 99skins and am currently utilising a 1280x400 wide screen. However, I prefer certain skins over Gelo5 1480x320 68 skins. I’m seeking for assistance from everyone to figure out how to change the 1480x320 skin size to 1280x400 wide.

Hi, sir. I needed your small assistance. I have some VU metres pictures that I downloaded from Google. Want to know how can I add these to the Peppy Metres? Can you make some skins for me please? Bevase I’m not very tech savvy. I’ve included some sample skins below, however I need skins for my wide 1280x400 HDMI waveshare screen.

Expecting your kind support

There are already some 130 skins available.

A post was merged into an existing topic: PeppyMeter Templates width: 1280

Thank you so much for your great help… I will try to learn how to create new skins. :+1::+1:

just moved the template to the proper location.

1 Like

Installed :+1::+1: it is working… Great support… Thank you…