Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

the khadas tone 1 It is considered USB by Volumio and is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 2/3 and 4, the Rasp 5, I don’t know.
the pink faun usb dac works peppy and spotify okay but not with FusionDsp and upsample.

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Sorry for the total Noob question… just installed the plugin and it’s running. But this is all I have in the Settings section.

Would you mind sharing your work for the round VU meters with amber light? They are EXACTLY what I’ve been searching for!

you did install Peppy_Meter as plugi taken from:

As for the round VU-meters, I think that question is for @Gelo5

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Yes - followed that process and confirmed every step - is it possible I did the plugins (Touch and Peppy) in reverse?

Is there a beginner’s guide/tutorial on how create your own meters?

First, Touch Display and next Peppy.


So I’m on my 4th complete reinstall from scratch and keep hitting the same issue.

Fresh install of Volumio
Configure display and all other settings (WiFi, etc)
Everything works
Then install Touch Screen Plugin - tested and works
Install Now Playing Plugin - tested and works
Install Peppy-Spectrum Plugin
Install Peppy Meters per Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO - #740 by ClaesM

Go into Peppy, pick a random option and boom - my screen goes dark and system hangs

Have to reboot and disable both Peppy Plugins to get display back.

Is there something in Now Playing/Touch Screen that has to be exactly matching for this to work? I feel like there’s settings that have to align in multiple places for this to work but I cannot figure out the “magic combination”

Sounds more that you loading templates that are not matching your screen size. As peppy and now playing is pretty straight forward.

So the display is the Waveshare 5.5 1920 x 1080 - that means only 1920 x 1080 (full screen) will work? I thought I have seen many people using Peppymeters overlaying Now Playing… Do you have to pick one or the other?

1920x1080 or smaller will work. Unless your meters.txt has errors, then Peppy will also load a black overlay.

Interesting. I’m using the stock files from both installs - have not touched anything.

I’m going to ditch the Waveshare and try on the other display - it literally works plug and play.

Have you tested Peppyscreen and Peppyspectrum at the same time? Disable one plugin - test on the other.

It might help if I actually understood the difference between the 2 and how they interact with Now Playing (and it’s Inactive Screen) and the timings between all of them and the Touch Screen Plugin.

I think there’s a hierarchy involved that needs to be respected and I’m not there yet :slight_smile:

What do you want to understand?
Now playing - standalone plugin,
Peppymeter screen saver - standalone plugin, Peppyspectrum - standalone plugin.
To connect e.g. Now Playing+ Peppymeter, the Peppymeter resolution must be smaller than the screen size. For example, the screen is 1920x1080, the resolution set on Peppymeter must be e.g. 1920x515, 1280x400, etc. The same applies to the Now playing+ Peppyspectrum connection.

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Thanks - that’s what I thought re: Peppy and resolution but keep getting the blackouts. I’ll try another fresh from scratch install.

Is this the correct order to install everything?

  1. Touch Screen PlugIn
  2. Now Playing Plugin
  3. Peppy Meters Plugin (manual process from Gelo5 here Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO - #741 by Gelo5)
  4. Peppy-Spectrum Plugin

Once done, what is the coordination for “timing” between Touch Screen, Now Playing and Peppy?

I feel like it’s Highlander - there can only be one - that controls what gets displayed when.

Always Touchplugin first. Then it doesn’t matter what.
Just remember that I wrote about the Now playing+Peppy combination -if they are to be visible simultaneously. If you want to have Peppy (Meter or Spectrum) in full screen - turn on your resolution in Peepy

At the end of the post you have the settings


Fantastic - really appreciate the help.

These are probably dumb Texas Country Boy questions:

If Peppy is in fullscreen then the Inactive Screen in Now Playing is redundant?
What’s the difference between Peppy Screen Saver and Peppy Spectrum?

It doesn’t hurt to do a bit of reading in this topic…

Peppyscreen - plugin from @2aCD (also includes spectrum - 20 bars)
Peppyspectrum - plugin from @balbuze (different number of bars)
The basis of both is work @peppy.player
cleaning in the topic: @Wheaten
most talkative in the topic: @Gelo5 and @Wheaten
best video in the topic: @naimnatnod and @dc2geeks


@Roberto_Grieco I replaced my Raspberry Pi 4 for a Pi5 and now everything works fine.
I haven’t changed anything else in the setup other than the raspberry.

how is this possible.
In this setup I no longer have to upsample via FusionDSP :confused: Spotify also works well with the old 4.0.5 Spotify version and the new 4.1.0. nice work :partying_face:
what still needs to be done is "dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus
" in the boot/userconfig.txt Because of this.

so with a raspberry pi3 and 4 it doesn’t work with peppy meter in my setup.

ian canada isolator II
ian FifoPi Ma 1.5.
ian ess saber mkII
ian IV output transformers.