X86 Hardware issues (Graphics, WiFi, Onboard Sound, external DACs, Disks, BIOS/UEFI Boot problems etc.)

Hello everyone, I installed the x86 version on a 10.-inch tablet. It works except for the following 2 problems:

  1. The built-in sound card cannot be recognized and can only use USB DAC
  2. It cannot be restarted or completely shut down and shut down. In the end, there was light in the screen, but no image, and it remained like this.
    The appearance of the platform computer is more convenient and more beautiful than the PI+ external screen. Can anyone help solve the problem?Thanks!

Please take a look at the opening post and provide us with the needed data.

Hi! Tell me how to delete Volume. Resetting Dell Wyse 3040 to factory settings via BIOS does not help, Volume loads when turned on

You need to manually remove Volumio (erase internal storage) after booting from a live-linux distro or install some other software by overwriting tnternal storage.

What is the reason for wanting to remove it?

Thanks for the answer! I have 3 Dell Wyse 3040 with Volumio installed, located in different rooms. I want to leave two Dell Wyse 3040 with Volumio, and connect an external disk with a music library to the third and distribute it to two Dell Wyse 3040 with Volumio. Please advise me how it is easier for me to do this? I’m not very good at programming (I don’t understand it at all)

Well you can all three on volumio and share the library from one to the others. Using a simlar setup here.
One device has the media attached and a 2nd is using the same library

Thank you. Can I describe in more detail how and where to set it up?

on the Wyse with the media attached go to:
“+ Add new Drive”
Volumio will scan the network, net click on the device that has the disk attached:

Writes “network drives not found”

All three devices are on the same network with the same mask
Please post the logs from these devices here on the forum:

Sorry for the delay in responding. The router was rebooting.
both computers are connected to the same hub

you need to paste the url, otherwise we can’t read it :slight_smile:

These ones?

Oh, I get it)

a bit confused, I see in both logs a connected USB device with audio.
You stated that you want one device with Audio and share it with the 2 others?

The disk is connected to only one computer
I wanted two devices with sound and one device with a music library. Two computers are physically available to me now, the third is in another room, it is now closed, I cannot get into it. I need the second computer to have access to the SSD drive of the first computer from one computer with an SSD drive

I reset both computers to factory settings and installed the latest updates. SSD drive on only one computer
I reset both computers to factory settings and installed the latest updates. SSD drive is only on one computer. Made new log files

So holds your USB disk.
You should be able now to connect to the library on

Guys, I moved the Wyse support issue to this x86 support thread

It’s working! Super! Thanks! Low bow! It turned out to be so simple)