Please reply in a normal way, I don’t do well well on remarks like “Well, If you read”, there is no reason for this kind of remarks.
The topic i highlighted (regardless the version) is regarding Spotify and modifying the order to make it work, As you indicate you have issues with Spotify. If it works I don’t know but give it a try.
Well, if you read my post, I was never on 1.4, i was at first on 1.5 and now on Peppy screensaver 2.1.0. It works well, only need to get Spotify to function with peppymeter, also.
It works, I can play music and there is a peppymeter. you say it does not work well. What is so not normal with my comment?
Just want to have some help with Alsa configuration, I fixed every problem with my installation that way, ore with changing other configuration. There is nothing wrong with my SD card, with Debian ore Volumio installation. I worked with Debian since 2004, I know how to test it, how to test SD cards, it is ok.
I will not install beta, I just want to know where the configuration is done for Spotify Connect plugin, witch file to edit, there have to be a file defining main sound card, just as for airplay an mpd player. Then I know how to do a dummy plugin in /etc/asound.conf for Peppymeter too use.
I have tried to find documentation my self online, but it is very poor. Glad for any help here.
Volumio 3.703 running in X86 Pad,
PeppyMeter /PeppySpectrum can be living, but I can’t see Albumart and PlayInfo.
I use 1280x800_custom_4 of templates .
@Morpho_menelaus, welcome to the forum. You are asking a question that was 3 years ago (2021). It would be best to describe your hardware/software configuration and what your problem is.
Volumio 3.703 running in X86 Pad,
PeppyMeter /PeppySpectrum can be living, but I can’t see Albumart and PlayInfo.
I use 1280x800_custom_4 of templates .
I followed this installation on my x86/64 based NUC and installed without errors but after … when I started to play music… my volumio couldn’t play music anymore.
Hello Version of Volumio: 3.757 I have and I also have problems with displaying album information. It worked fine in an older version but not in the current version. Can you give me information on how you solved it? I am using Peppy-Meter-Basic Version:0.0.1
I managed to install peppy meter on RPI4 without problems, but I just changed system, I switched to X86 (HP x2 Laptop - 10-p011nf).
The installation is OK, but impossible to make peppy meter work.
Does Peppy meter work on this type of system?
Thank you
Hello, I feel the same way!
I’ve invested some time…
The installation of PeppyMeter was ok, but not the function. no screen saver appears.
My versions:
on an x86
Volume 3,779 freshly installed several times
Currently working as plugin by following these steps.
Tested it on three very different x86 devices, all with succes.
sudo apt-get update
cd ~
cd peppy_screensaver
volumio plugin install
Configure peppy_meter plugin (set template)
As peppy won’t start from the plugin, we need to do this by an additional script
cd ~ mkdir scripts && cd scripts
Copy below as one block in Putty:
cat <<EOF >
sleep 10
export HOME=/data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver
export DISPLAY=:0
while true; do
if volumio status | grep -q ': "play",'; then
# Playing
cd /data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver
sudo bash
# Stopped
if ! pgrep -x "feh" >/dev/null; then
pidof python3 && pkill python3
sleep 5
chmod 775
Now a less clean way to start peppy at startup. Waiting for service to be availbale keeps breaking the service, so a dirty sleep will do the trick.