Volumio with lcd 20x4 customized

Finally, after “strugling” with python variables, widgets etc etc, managed to put my Volumio and LCD working, almost as I want…

Some pictures of my setup, for now, ill try to migrate some stuff to a lcd 16x2 perhaps, since for that I have a gret box for putting all.

The output is a chinese DAC but works nice.



Sequence between album/artist/song

And the code… pages_lcd_20x4.zip (2.23 KB)

Keep safe, stay home!


Hi Dear, how are you?
Is a nice work, congrats!

I have my RPI3 with an Justboom DAC HAT, so…my GPIO is in use.
I’ve soldered an GPIO expansion, but I2S pins are in use with the Justboom board.

You have connected with that pins? Or serial mode?

Hello. I’ve soldered a big female to male header on the DAC board and the connect the pins on i2c bus…

3- SCL
4- +5V
5- SDA
6 - GND


Hi Nmbb77, looks great!

How did you manage to enable the PlugIn? Did you install the plugin using the ZIP file or did you install the “package”? I’m struggling with the 20x4 thing since hours :frowning:

Best regards, Mathes


After hours of tries, and since I’ve found a guide on MoodeAudio and worked… (Link bellow), I decided to try on Volumio. Why not? After so many tries, the worst thing that could happen is not working.

Guide: ms-vint-audio.de/moode-audio-mi … d-display/

If you follow this tutorial, but forget the step sudo raspi-config (no need) and after the end replace /home/pi… with home/volumio… it will work!

At moment I’m trying to customize a 16x2 layout, waiting for my 24x2 arrive!



I actually made a plugin for pydPiper, I see the documentation you’re referring dates back to 2018, around the time some changes were made to pydPiper (you can control most of it by editing the unit-file). The plugin I made has already been PR-ed (github.com/volumio/volumio-plugins/pull/419) for the store. That way you’ll only need to edit the pages file in /home/volumio/pydPiper and reference it in the plugin.

I’ll see if I can expedite the push to the store somehow.


Great news!!!

It was so confusing to read all the different posts I found. Some saying first uninstall PlugIn, do manual installation afterwards, some referred to the PlugIn…
What I tried was manual installation, ending up with a bunch of Docker errors.
Does the PlugIn install everything needed or do I have to install manually before/after? Will a first generation Raspberry Pi, Model B be able to handle everything without beeing exhausted? Currently my Volimio installation runs smooth, controlled by rotary encoders and operating an amplifier via PlugIn.

Best, Mathes

Hi Mathes,

The plugin does it all for you, just install it. Due to the docker component is might take a while though and the python script running in the docker container can be resource hungry, but I haven’t had any issues. I must say that I upgraded to a Pi2 when it became available, same goes for Pi3 and 4.

I think you can safely just install the plugin over your installation now. Just stop and remove all containers currently on the system.

Hi Saiyato - I will definitly give it a go and let you know. Weekend will be busy :wink:


Would you mind me asking, which DAC did you use / where did you purchase?

I’m looking to replicate what you have done and have been looking at the Just Book Digi but am a bit confused to whether I can use an i2c LCD if the DAC already uses i2c so if you already have a working solution it may be a template I can copy. I understand I’ve need to an another GPIO header onto the DAC, I can’t solder for toffee so was thinking of these thepihut.com/products/gpio-hamm … solderless.

The next challenge will be to find a nice case with a hold for a 20x4 LCD!

Best regards

Hi @Saiyato

I’m trying to install your plugin via the un-official method. I’d appreciate any help you can offer? I’ve saved a full log of what I’m trying for any offline contact - I haven’t been a member long enough to contact you via PM.

As a last resort I’m thinking of installing an old version of Volumio (before they banned “unofficial plugins”) but that was a while ago so may introduce all sorts of other dependency issues…

Best regards

Hello. It’s an ebay cheap PiFi Dac v2.0, meanwhille made a few changes, both in the pages_lcd_20x4.py and also in the DAc, used for test a general I2S dac, wich can be bought for 7-8€, also have another generic wich I’ll try later.

Pictures for information:


LCD: GND-6, VCC-4, SDA-3, SCL-5
DAC: VCC-2, GND-9, BCK-10, LRCK-35, DATA-40, GND-12, MCLK-NC

The pages file with corrections for webradio, showing the bitrate: pages_lcd_20x4.py.zip (2.26 KB)
Change the filename from .py.old to .py, used this for keeping at backup



Thanks for the reply I will give this a go.

Also thanks Saiyato for the PM I cannot reply via PM as I’ve just started here. Many thanks for your work and making it available.

Best regards

Hi, Nmbb77! I replaced ‘pages_lcd_20x4.py’ with your file before start the ‘install.sh’ script. But in the end I got the same usual inconvenient interface with two stripes and 12-clock AM/PM watch. :frowning:

How to set up the configuration correctly in order to get the result as in your photo?

Hi all,

Apologies to hijack the thread.

I have a very old set up with a Raspberry Pi B+ and a Hifiberry Digi that I added a 20x4 LCD screen. Everything was working (albeit slowwwww) until I made the error of upgrading the Volumio instalation to the latest, to be fair I have not update it in a while.

I have done as before and used Andypi tutorial with the addition of python3. I can make it work but for wtv reason it just does not stick on startup. Literaly I can see the LCDproc starting, the MPDlcd coming after with no information of track on the screen and after a while, as the system takes quite a long time to boot, reverting back to LCDproc. If you start the mpdlcd from the console it works but not on startup.

Does anyone have any idea and if not the link from Saiyato could be the solution?


figured out the settings :slight_smile:

hi I have been using saiyatos pydpiper for a while and am happy with it so far so good, but I was curious what settings you changed.
I also have had to go back to a previous version for things to work.
is it just the pages file to" pages_lcd_20x4.py"?
or is there something more up to date. thanks

thanks that all looks vaguely familiar

Yes. I installed pydPiper plugin manually:
sudo git clone https://github.com/dhrone/pydPiper
cd ./pydPiper
sudo ./install_docker.sh
sudo ./install_volumio.sh
sudo nano ./pages_lcd_20x4.py
[my example: pages_lcd_20x4.zip (2.4 KB)]
sudo systemctl restart pydpiper.service

Hello all. Sorry for the long delay, but have a lot of projects in mind. For some reason, using a backup of an image of Volumio that has all the settings above, I stop having the bitrate info on display. if I trie to starta fresh instalation of pydPiper, says it no longer supports the raspbian jesse and gives error on the docker setup. Anyone with this problem? Not a big deal, but of the radio bitrate appeared before, why suddenly stop appearing?

Edit: instaled a beta 3 version and now works, don,t get bitrate on mp3 but get on webradio. Probably I’ll make a new version only for webradio for listening in work, since we only have spotify and not premium :slight_smile: