I’ve tried to install the Pepper_screensaver plugin (awesome looks, it’s the ultimate look & feel that would make me use Volumio for 100% of my music listening experience).
All went well with the installation and configuration of the plugin but, when the timer for screensaver is reached the screen just turns black. With video signal outputted but only a black screen. I only get anything else than black rebooting volumio primo.
Then, someone suggested that I should install also the “Touch Display” plugin. Then I got an error configurating the display:
After the plugin installed I only get text in image outputted from volumio primo:
Even after rebooting Primo, disabling or uninstalling the “Touch Display” plugin, nothing more than just text. I’ve tooked some screenshots of this (and booting process) - see below.
Hi pjorgenunes,
I installed Volumio 3.235 in my TinkerBoard; with this board there is no need of Touch Display Plugin and the PeppyMeter plugin seems to fail to work. I think that also in the Primo there is a TinkerBoard.
However I was able to view the vu-meters running via ssh the program volumio_peppymeter.py; after installing the plugin go to:
cd /data/plugins/miscellanea/peppy_screensaver/peppy-meter
This way, if the settings of the plugin are correct you are able to see the vu-meters.
Obviously this is not a solution… but let me know if it works in your case too.!
there is no automatic solution for the correct size, you need to adapt one of the existing screens to your screen resolution. by adjusting the image to your screen size and edit the meters.txt file to accommodate your screen values.
Yes, but the question with tinkerboard (also the board that Primo uses) is about the screensaver just turns in a black screen if one just installs the plugin.
As stated by @pdo59 only using:
export DISPLAY=:0
sudo python3 volumio_peppymeter.py
and that part I don’t get, as this is already part of:
cd /data/plugins/miscellanea/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter
if ! pgrep -x "python3" > /dev/null
export DISPLAY=:0
python3 volumio_peppymeter.py
and my 2cts…
Maybe the solution to the problem will be a modification of the userconfig.txt file?
It should be modified and rulers added
IN boot/userconfig.txt:
Glad it works on your Primo too, @pjorgenunes.
But I must tell you that I am not very experienced in PAM, and therefore I do not know if this change affects other aspects of the system, particularly in terms of security. I am investigating.
I didn’t understand your point of modifying those two files:
I thought these changes would make the TBS starts the PeppyMeter automatically without typing the manual command on step 1.