ES9018K2M control plugin for Volumio
This plugin control es9018k2m chip by i2c so user must connect i2c pins between raspberry pi and es9018k2m DAC.
supported platform: Raspberry Pi
supported es9018k2m hardware
Aoide es9018k2m DAC II (tested)
General es9018k2m DAC/DDC that contains i2c pins
supported functions
volume, mute control
adjust balance and switch left/right channel
digital filter(fast/slow rolloff, IIR) and de-emphasis filter
i2s/DSD DPLL(Digital Phase Locked Loop) Jitter Reduction
Platform: Raspberry Pi
Source :
File to download (less than Volumio version 2.411)
File to download (more than Volumio version 2.411)
Author: Chris Song (chrispanda)
Status: stable