Volumio 3 web interface shows 44.1kHz 16bit but

I think you should get more familiar with what MQA means and things they did so it could still be played on systems that can’t unfold MQA.
Please have a look at chapter: " How MQA works in theory", 2nd paragraph. As Volumio is not licensed for MQA, It’s a legacy device.
But instead of playing the lossy format, it pushes the signal in full to the DAC. So if you’re DAC is licensed, it will play the full MQA signal. If your DAC isn’t licensed it will play the lossy audio container. However Volumio display’s the parameters from that audio container. So these encoded parameters differs form the MQA parameters.
How we call it. 2 sample rates, encoded vs sample rate,…

Q: So, your not a fan of MQA?
A: No I am not. I strive to have bit perfect audio system, so i will not start with a lossy audio source.

Q: But the sound of a MQA file appears to sound better than the non MQA?
A: Difficult to compare as the majority of MQA files have a different Master file, so they appear to sound “better” , after the tricks they do with them.

Unless I am mistaken, i am glad to hear otherwise.