Volume Control on Android phone

Any progress with this? It’s been six months since I first reported the issue.

I’m wondering too. Really wanted Volumio to replace Roon. As of know, with the stale response from the tech support with this issue I am probably going back to Roon. 6 months is unacceptable.

Dear all,

Apologies for the intermittent updates, but our developers are currently fully focused on this:
Volumio’s Journey and the Birth of CORRD - Volumio Community Forums

As a result, we’ve had to reprioritize other fixes on our to-do list.

I appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


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I understand that many people are complaining about this issue (I did too in the past), but the workaround is really simple and effective. Just open Volumio in your browser (where the volume issue doesn’t occur) and select “Add to Home Screen” to always have the link to the page on your Android smartphone’s home screen.

The usability is exactly the same as the app.

I find the interface very clunky and slow too. I can’t wait for the Corrd thing. I didn’t like it. Simple as that and the volume issues swayed me back to Roon.

It nearly destroyed my hearing. Its that bad. Will you pay for a lifetime of bad hearing due to your inability to fix a problem like this?

I understand your point, but maybe that’s the actual solution for the dev team?
I don’t think it’s incumbent on us to figure this out. It’s taken far, far too long.

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You’re right, Rax. I also believe this is a rather serious bug for what is supposed to be Volumio’s official app. While I understand the dev team’s workload and priorities, I think fixing this should be a high priority.

That said, the workaround is fairly painless, especially considering that the Volumio app is essentially a webview app, meaning it’s not much different from using Volumio in a browser.

If we’re being completely honest, though, I think that what’s really needed is a native Volumio app: one that integrates remote listening (play.volumio), offers a more efficient and stable experience than the current app and support for bit-perfect playback to bypass the Android/iOS audio mixer when using the “play here” feature. I believe building on the work Joni Salminen did with Volumio Control would be an excellent starting point.
And honestly, I also believe that the users in this community would appreciate an app like this much more than CORRD, that yes, It’s a great app, but in my opinion, it’s more suited for casual listeners rather than those who are used to listening to full albums from start to finish on high-quality setups—which I assume is the majority of users here.

But of course, I don’t work at Volumio, so these are just my own ramblings. :smile:

I agree with Ema82.
Corrd is of course a great thing, but in my opinion it’s more for when you’re on the go or at home as background music.

I love Volumio in my great setup at home and would really appreciate being able to use basic functions. Volumio must not be left behind.
I primarily listen to full albums, practically only on Qobuz.

Hello Volumio team
Thank you for your tireless, great work!

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I saw that it was some update as i stopped using volumio because of this issue. But it doesn’t solve the problem right? To be honest if I control the volumio via browser it’s the same situation. I hope it will be solved soon.