I’m not sure but I think someone have messed it up really bad this time
The Queue is cleared every time you click on a song or webradio
Adding whole albums when click a single song , seemes to be in Continuous mode even when set to Single
Sometimes adding all albums for a artist when clicking a single song !?
And sometimes adding the whole album twice!!??
Play button clears the Queue
Clicking the radio name the channel is added correctly to the Queue
“Sometimes adding all albums for a artist when clicking a single song !?”
When picking a track from Artists
“And sometimes adding the whole album twice!!??”
When picking a track from Albums
Thanks for your feedbacks. Those chances reflect the requests that we’ve had from the community (play a whole album when clicking on a track, replacing instead of adding).
It could help if you could point out exactly what you think is wrong \ not handled as you would expect, and we’ll take into account
I do understand that these functions are convenient for some more advanced listener that plays whole albums form track 1 to track 10 or have ready made playlists.
But I (and probably many more users) use the queue by picking single tracks from album/artist/library/spotify webradio etc. and then maybe save to a playlist or just use the queue as an living playlist.
I do like when logic is straightforward and correct at all times.
IMO you pick and play from the current level Artist, Album or Track
, the same at Playlists the whole playlist or single track from the playlist.
If Clear and play or Add to queue should be default , that we can discuss, but the default value must be changeable
The Continuous / Single mode worked nicely (at least the single mode), why remove that ?
Note. We had this discussion earlier when you added the Single mode function
@ SonosKiller - check settings > General playback options > Playback Mode: Continuous | Single. Try setting to single? That’s what I use; I agree with your thoughts. I don’t like the behavior of clearing the queue because I have other permanent web radios stored there but this setting sorts that problem out right?
BTW @volumio this topic mentions v2.824 but the change log hasn’t been updated since 2.799 16/7/2020.
I’m afraid that the Single playback mode feature is removed and that setting have no effect any more.
Says “Fix closing of single playback mode” when updating to 2.824
But this has been an ongoing process since (at least) ver 2.812 what I can see and check.
I can also say that no one is more sorry about that than me
Thanks a lot for letting me know SonosKiller. Well that is REALLY annoying. @volumio why not just retain the existing setting so users can set for their own preference. Clearly there are two sides to the story. No one behavior is better or worse. As I said, I keep my web radios in the queue. This will no longer be possible. Good thing I didn’t update.
The 2.824 is a beta release where we fixed the selection of single vs continuous mode.
It’s hard for me to understand what your desiderata is from your comments. Would you mind explaning in a detalied and specific way what you’re looking for?
Continuous playback mode: replace the queue with all the content of the album and play the track I selected.
Hello there ‘Volumio’
Like others, I think Volumio is great.
I’ve found the same issue on the latest version though
i.e. even though you’ve set to single mode, adding a single track to the queue adds the whole album.
Here’s a menu option I would very much like:
whereby the selected track plays next - then the queue continues.
(the selected track goes the top - and not the bottom of the queue)
When updating to ver 2.824 I found out that Single mode playback don’t work
When reading comment for the update “Fix closing of single playback mode”
I assumed and read that as “we have fixed the closing of Single playback mode”
When checking my other players with ver 2.812 and 2.813 found that the single mode didn’t work on them
Then my heart stopped , I lost my breath and a panic attack started
Are you removing Single playback mode or is this just a bug?
@volumio not sure I can add or clarify more than what I’ve already said. I am using v2.779. There is a setting in General playback options > Playback Mode: Continuous | Single. I set this to Single. I always keep 3 webradios in the queue. If adding a track or album is going to always clear the queue then I loose those webradios. Why not just retain to setting to satisfy both sides of the debate? Sorry if I have misunderstood the discussion. I don’t want to risk doing an update only to find the current behavior is no longer possible.
I do have several issues with ver 2.824 , But I think we take them one by one
The first and mainly issue is that the Single mode playback don’t work as before ver 2.812 -> 2.824 (not sure about exact version in this case)
When set to Single mode and you click on a single track, the Queue is cleared and the hole Album is added to Queue
Before this it did’t cleared the Queue and it only added one track to the Queue
It’s also a issue that sometimes the Album is added twice and sometimes adds all Albums for an Artist , but these issues are secondary at the moment
I also have a question , what exactly do you mean by the update comment “Fix closing of single playback mode” ?
Hi there
I’ve only just thought about it now. Delete the queue and adding the full directory to the queue by clicking to a song is a wrong behavior to me.
i like choose every song separate - and this should be most easy - not by going into the options.
It’s fine when i have this old behavior back by enabling the single mode.
many uses for my opinion, for example:
i play music at an event and will provide the playlist later on.
a mistake in using would clear/distroy my queue.
New beta build is out with the above fixes implemented
Thanks for the great insights there!
If you spot any other inconsistency (which might be there, since this is quite a big mod) please report it in the most clear possible way
It works for me, thanks, but it sounds like the existing behavior of 2.779? I know as a retired software developer that mature software gets to the point where it can be better leave an existing program & start from scratch rather than upsetting users entrenched in their old ways