UPnP: what difference between "Volumio" and "Volumio-UPnP/av"

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Hi, I activated UPnP in settings.

In android apps, like bubbleupnp, I see two renders: 1)Volumio, 2) Volumio-UPnP.
What Is the difference? which one should I use?
If i get off UPnP from settings, both disappear.

Thanks for reporting. It’s a duplicate. It’s on our TODO list



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Fixed, it will be on the next releases

Can I just add to this…

Each instance acts differently for example Volumio works better for me than Volumio-UPnP/av

I still have a few issues with Volumio especially after the latest update (3.429), but it works far better that the other instance and there lies the rub… Bubble as the control app and it see both so I can select the one that works best. MConnect and LMS plugin only sees the Volumio-UPnP/av and this stops playing after (usually) two tracks, so is unusable.

This was never and issue in 2.x and seems to be getting worse as 3.x versions are released.

Unfortunately I am very time constrained and reporting this with the detail required has not been possible as yet.

If you have any tips or workarounds I’d be most grateful and willing to try

I can paste my answer from another thread here since it kind of answers your question.

the reason there is two different UPNP to chose from is a change the creator of upmpdcli did in 2020.

** Separate the OpenHome and UPnP/AV UPnP devices. The latter will now show up as -UPnP/AV. Set upnpav=0 in the configuration if it bothers you. This makes upmpdcli more standard, having separate devices for the different sets of services instead of hosting them all under the same device.*
Upmpdcli and associated libraries release notes

It has been answered already.
To sum it up :

  • Volumio => Open Home protocol ;
  • Volumio UPnP/AV = > UPnP/DLNA protocl.

On the Volumio app, you will only see the “Volumio” device.
On BubbleUPnP you’ll see both.
On software not supporting Open Home you’ll see only Volumio UPnP/AV.
On software not supporting UPnP/DLNA (Lumin or Linn Kazoo) you’ll see only Volumio.

From another thread, it seems that driving VolumioOS with a third party app and using VolumioUPnP/AV may result in playback stopping after it has played 2 files.

So I’d recommend to stick to Volumio and not use VolumioUPnP/AV.

Even if that has side effects (cover art not showing or elapsed time not displayed correctly).
Or, of course, use the Volumio app or web interface, which will work best.

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I noticed that UPnP switch are not responsive after reboot, have to switch it on and off couple of times, after this UPnP works just normally with Bubble upnp and Mconnect atleast. Not tryied if it fixed at latest update though.

Not sure about what you’re w writing.
Can you be more explicit ?