Unable to install plugins

I am a newbie. Trying to install plugins and I am errored out with " Please Login - To access the plugin store, you need to login to myvolumio" I already logged-in. Subscribed to Premium… What am I missing ??

please open a ssh session and check if the date is correct:

Click on myvolumio and check if your device is activated.

Log off, reboot and login again.

Thank you Wheaten. You are AWESOME!!!

Issues was indeed the date/time, which was off. Synced with my ntp server.

SSH to volumio

stopped ntp services using command “sudo service ntp stop”
synced the time using command “sudo ntpd -gq <my ntp server ip address”
started the ntp services “sudo service ntp start”
checked current date/time “date”
checked ntp status using “ntpq -p”

After syncing/.correcting time…
I am able to browse the plugin store…
My device is also appearing as activated…


Thanks for your feed back, really appreciated!!!

Enjoy your musical tour with Volumio.

Good afternoon, The time is normal, but there are no plugins. Why?

please open a ssh session and check if the date is correct:

Click on myvolumio and check if your device is activated.

Log off, reboot and login again.

I have the same problem that started about 1-2 weeks ago. I tried reinstalling Volumio on my Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, but nothing changed.
After running the “date” command in SSH, the correct time is displayed, but my subscription is not active and there are no plugins.
Could this be related to sanctions against Russia? Or is this a hardware problem?

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Hello, I reset it to factory settings and the plugins became available. But a week has passed and the plugins tab is empty again.

I can’t imagine what to do?
Я из России.

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I have the same problem. I tried it from several profiles, on different devices. Tried VPN. There is no list of plugins. The list also disappeared on the old Raspberry in the car. Since the requests are only from Russia, I think this is due to restrictions.
У меня такая же проблема. Пробовал из нескольких профилей, на разных устройствах. Пробовал VPN. Нет списка плагинов. Так же список пропал на старом Raspberry в автомобиле. Так, как обращения только из России, думаю, что это связано с ограничениями.
Как бы это обойти?

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I have my personal opinion about supporting Russians, but I can’t think of why and how Volumio, being a-political, has done anything to block connections to Russia due to sanctions.
If connections don’t work, there is very likely another, perhaps local, reason.

The plugins are displayed via a serverless function hosted in Google Cloud.
I assume then that G-cloud has been blocked in Russia, and this is why it does not work

One more question: on which device are you using Volumio? Where did you download the image?

Raspberry Pi 3+

You may be right. But why doesn’t it work via VPN?
Is this somehow related to the VOLUMIO account?
I really don’t want to switch to another player.

volumio endpointstest ---------------

https://google.com, 451 ms: OK
https://www.googleapis.com, 338 ms: OK
https://securetoken.googleapis.com, 353 ms: OK
https://myvolumio.firebaseio.com, 503 ms: OK
https://functions.volumio.cloud, 959 ms: OK
https://oauth-performer.dfs.volumio.org, 359 ms: OK
https://browsing-performer.dfs.volumio.org, 530 ms: OK
http://cddb.volumio.org, 984 ms: OK
https://functions.volumio.cloud, 986 ms: OK
http://pushupdates.volumio.org, 437 ms: OK
http://plugins.volumio.org, 987 ms: OK
https://database.volumio.cloud, 1178 ms: OK
https://radio-directory.firebaseapp.com, 545 ms: OK

REMOTE ENDPOINTS TEST OK, all Endpoints are reachable

Downloaded here https://volumio.com/en/
This problem also appeared on the old image.

They say it should work. Nobody can say clearly. I tried to find it, but nothing worked. The logs say no account and goodbye. VPN is unlikely to help. You need to close volumio internet. VPN will only close the browser.

Говорят что должно работать. Никто внятно сказать не может. Пытался найти, ничего не получается. В логах пишет нет учетки и до свидания. VPN вряд ли поможет. Надо из volumio internet закрыть. VPN только от браузера закроет.

I have the same error in the log file.

I think the problem is somewhere nearby

Looks like they can’t help us(

[Google translate].

All the latest versions of plugins from the Volumio store are located and downloaded by the system from here:

If it’s not important for you to download from the store, then: download the necessary plugins from GitHub; we drop them with the WinSCP program into Volumio at the address /home/volumio: in PuTTY we install the plugin with the command “cd folder name && volumio plugin install”

This is how I installed all the plugins I needed (autostart; ir_controller; mpd_oled; Systeminfo). Everything works as clearly as it came from a store.

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