I’m trying to install Chromium on my rpi 3b+ (latest volumio image) with a LCD screen to enable auto login and launching player interface locally. I’m following the instructions on https://community.volumio.com/t/volumio-on-touch-screen/1886/13. Now it shows GUI and logs in automatically.
I was unable to install chromium with command apt install chromium as it complained missing libavcodec58 and libavformat58. It seems libavcodec58 depends on libraspberrypi0, which depends on raspberrypi-bootloader which is not installable. I tried to install raspberrypi-kernel but it has no installation candidate.
I tried apt install chromium-browser with similar result.
I also tried to download and install .deb package, and it prompted missing lots of packages, so I thought that’s not the right way to go.
So, what’s the correct way to install chromium, or enable launching browser and player UI automatically?