I’m hoping someone can help.
I’ve set up Volumio onto a Raspberry Pi 4 with an Allo DigiOne hat and am having trouble with Tidal connect.
I am a Volumio Virtuoso member and when I use either an iPhone, an iPad and the Tidal desktop Mac application, Tidal sees the Raspberry Pi but doesn’t play any sound when I select it and click play. The Tidal app on all devices look like they’re thinking about it, but nothing happens and there’s no sound at all.
When I open my Volumio dashboard via Google Chrome, it shows something is happening but at 44.1 KHz (still no sound). What’s weird is that I can play music via the Volumio Tidal plugin, which plays at 320Kbps (sounds great btw).
Does anyone know why the Tidal apps don’t work? I’ve reset the cache, logged in and out, with no joy. FYI playing music to Volumio via Spotify connect and using the Spotify iPhone app works seamlessly.
Thanks in advance.
same problem here with 2021-05-07-x86_amd64-volumiobuster-3.073
Playing tidal via the volumio UI does work - only via tidal app is not playing.
Have you read the faq’s in the main TC thread? Adding Tidal Connect
If the problem persists, please let me know in the main thread.
Hi @mervinio ,
yes I read the faq, thanks. Intuitively I tried to switch off / on the TC.
The next day everything worked fine. I think there was an issue between the servers because I didn’t change a thing at my side (same version, no reboot…).
Anyway - now everything is working very well (as I mentioned in another post in the x86 beta thread as well).
- Navigation between tracks and in the track back and forth is working very fast, reilable and stable. (webradio, locak tracks, tidal, tidal connect)
- tidal connect is also working well after some (may be server based) problems at start.
- tidal connect starts playing the tracks correctly (no longer repeating the first second of the track)
This 3.073 (including all the things running in the background on the server sides) seems tho be the best version by far in the last 5 months! Congratulations to the developer’s team!

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