Spotify Connect

logs don’t show any connection attempts - can you debug further by:

  1. Stop the plugin
  2. Running the command to capture logs
sudo journalctl -f -o cat -u volspotconnect2.service
  1. Start the plugin
  2. Try connecting

I did as you told me. Here’s the log:

Stopping Volspotconnect2 Daemon... Stopped Volspotconnect2 Daemon. Starting Volspotconnect2 Daemon... Started Volspotconnect2 Daemon. vollibrespot v0.1.4 d207974 2019-03-26 (librespot 57a6586 2019-03-26) -- Built On 2019-03-26 [Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::discovery: Zeroconf server listening on [Vollibrespot] : Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Os { code: 19, kind: Other, message: "No such device" } [Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::discovery: Post "/" {} [Vollibrespot] : Connecting to AP "" [Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::discovery: Post "/" {} [Vollibrespot] : Connecting to AP "" [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _companion-link._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _homekit._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _airplay._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN 04255CB411F0@Volumio._raop._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN YungYaw’s MacBook Pro._companion-link._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _sleep-proxy._udp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN 40:4d:7f:6a:80:90@fe80::424d:7fff:fe6a:8090._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN 40:4d:7f:6a:80:90@fe80::424d:7fff:fe6a:8090._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN 40:4d:7f:6a:80:90@fe80::424d:7fff:fe6a:8090._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN YY-2.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN YY-2.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _companion-link._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _homekit._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _airplay._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _sleep-proxy._udp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN YY-2.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _companion-link._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _homekit._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _airplay._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _sleep-proxy._udp.local [Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local [Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::discovery: Post "/" {} [Vollibrespot] : Connecting to AP ""

It would seem from your logs that the daemon received the login request from your client, but was unable to contact Spotify servers to actually authenticate - I would:

  1. Try logging in directly with credentials to rule out any zeroconf/mdns issues
  2. Recheck Volumio’s dns settings to ensure it’s got access to the Internetz.

Thanks for your support. Appreciate it.

1. Try logging in directly with credentials to rule out any zeroconf/mdns issues
I also installed Spotify Plugin for Volumio2 and entered my Spotify credential. I am able to play songs using this plugin. So I guess my Volumio is able to access the Internet and my credential is correct.

2. Recheck Volumio’s dns settings to ensure it’s got access to the Internetz.
Currently I’m using custom DNS setting of and I also tried disabling Custom DNS setting. It’s still the same.

Anything else I can try?

Hi guys,
I actually experiencing similar problem as yungyaw .

I use and test volumio with spotifyconnect2 0.9.3 in real use in several places. One I have at home, and one in workshop. Both of them have some connection issues some times. When I restart volumio, it connect to wifi and everything works flawlessly.

In Volumio at home, I find, it lose the ability to “connect to the device” ability in spotify when connection to the internet or to wifi just a wifi connection is lost anytime. For example during WAN fixes from provider, etc. Volumio reconnect just fine, but the volumioconnct2 doesn’t seem to reconnect to the spotiy system. Then you can try to connect to the device, but after timeout it disapears from the spotify list.

Probably same issue with my device in workshop. Some time, when I got in, I want to play some music, and same procces happens. After time out, it disappears. In workshop, I don’t know if during the night, there were some connection loss. But during a day, I practically never experience any loss.

The fixes for me is still same, just restart the system, and everything works flawless again. I turn on the debug mode for now. So will see, if there is something, when this happen. I think, that there is some reconnecting to the services issue. I started thinking about automatic restart the system every night because of that.

Any idea where is the issue?

Yes - the underlying library used doesn’t handle reconnection when a connection is dropped. I have made some changes that should help, you can test it by using v0.1.5 of vollibrespot. More detailed instructions on how you could do this is over at the issue - … -481268992

This is quite similar to an issue I’ve been experiencing – After some time my Pi 3 will disappear from the device list on my iPhone and reconnecting isn’t possible. Oddly it’s almost always still connectable from my MacBook Pro and once I have connected from the MBP I can once again connect from my iPhone. This doesn’t quite feel like a rational situation, why would my MBP be more likely to see the Pi than my iPhone? Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

All devices in this scenario are connected via wifi. My Pi 2 in the next room with a wired connection rarely/never drops which I suppose stands to reason.

after using this plugin with much joy for a few months I just stopped working today. Spotify can see it, but it says that it cant play on my volumio device. I have tried restarting the rasperry.

Started Volspotconnect2 Daemon.
vollibrespot v0.1.7 624ccec 2019-07-30 (librespot c9f83e7 2019-07-30) – Built O n 2019-07-30
[Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::discovery: Zeroconf server listening on 0.0.0. 0:39835
[Vollibrespot] : Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Os { code: 19, kind: Other, m essage: “No such device” }
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN ubitque.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN ubitque.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN ubitque.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN ubitque.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _googlerpc._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN googlerpc._googlerpc._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _googlezone._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _googlecast._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local
[Vollibrespot] mdns::fsm: received question: IN _spotify-connect._tcp.local

Can you login manually and confirm if you still can’t play?

you mean login with normal spotify on volumio? yes that works

edit: I should add thats its the same from my android phone. I can see volumio as a target but it’s blacked out.

No, I meant turn off “Multi user account” and enter your credentials (Plugins>Volspotconnect2>Settings)

Hi, thanks for your time by the way. I tried that just now, it did not help.
here is log when logged in.

volumio@volumio:~$ sudo journalctl -f -o cat -u volspotconnect2.service
[Vollibrespot] : Current alsa volume: 127[i64] MilliBel(0)
[Vollibrespot] : Mapping volume [100.000%] 65535 [u16] ->> Alsa [0.000%] 0 [dB] - 0 [i64]
[Vollibrespot] vollibrespot::meta_pipe: Starting new MetaPipe[0]
[Vollibrespot] : Metadata pipe established
[Vollibrespot] librespot_core::session: Session[0] strong=5 weak=2
[Vollibrespot] : Country: “SE”
[Vollibrespot] vollibrespot::meta_pipe: Volume { volume_to_mixer: 65535 }
[Vollibrespot] vollibrespot::meta_pipe: Event::Volume(100)
[Vollibrespot] librespot_core::mercury: unknown subscription uri=hm://remote/user/soppman/
[Vollibrespot] librespot_core::mercury: subscribed uri=hm://remote/user/soppman/ count=0
[Vollibrespot] librerespot_connect::spirc: kMessageTypeHello “DESKTOP-MAMLS9E” 27f0463ebe82c5b9b618552b17c9b5a4f38c16b3 1188332275 1573146361879
[Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::spirc: kMessageTypeNotify “DESKTOP-MAMLS9E” 27f0463ebe82c5b9b618552b17c9b5a4f38c16b3 1188332905 1573146362509
[Vollibrespot] librespot_connect::spirc: kMessageTypeNotify “DESKTOP-MAMLS9E” 27f0463ebe82c5b9b618552b17c9b5a4f38c16b3 1188335704 1573146365308

spot_connect::spirc: kMessageTypeNotify “DESKTOP-MAMLS9E” 27f0463ebe82c5b9b618552b17c9b5a4f38c16b3 1188316693 1573146346297
[Vollibrespot] lib

ah, the problem was a specific pod I listend too, I switched back a normal music track and it works. Sorry for wasting your time.
Allthough it work to send through spotify connect to the phone, so perhaps perhaps this plugin doesnt work with this specific track, I dont know.

here is uri if anyone wants to dig in. … dEoGWkr-Nw

Ah, you are in luck, I just implemented podcast support -

awesome! thanks alot!

will the plugin update itself or do I need to use ssh?

ssh, but its just a minor version bump, so you need only the backend -
no need to re install the full plugin.
You could just pipe ashthespy/ to bash after bumping up the “vollibrespot”: version key in package.json. to 0.1.9 with:

curl | bash                                                      
1 Like

The last version is published as an update of the official plugin.
So just press update in Volumio. :wink:

thanks guys, I updated with the update button in the gui, works great now!

I tried to re-install volumio2, to install spotify connect2 via SSH or direct from the WEB UI, and it still doesn’t work on my raspberry with an audiophonics generic dac.
I can see volumio in my spotify App, but when I choose it, it seems to try to connect, but nothing is happening. Then volumio disappears from spotify connect devices in the app.
I dont understand. Is there a way to fix it ?
Thanks guys for your great job !