you have to use volumio as usr and volumio as passwd. Root login is no more allowed.
May I suggest you something ? I wrote a plugin, not finished yet but fonctionnal to use spotify connect easily. Just download only the zip file on your computer from the directory https://github.com/balbuze/volumio-plugins/tree/master/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect . In volumio go to plugin, upload and drop the file here. Refresh the page to make new plugin appears. You will need a spot app_key to be place in the go folder. Please read readme.md (in the same directory) . Let me know.
There is a file called volspotconnect.zip. Clic on it, and a new page will open with a download button on the right side.
For your NAS, remove the /, so path is just “muziek”
Spotify connect worked straight by only installing the volumio 0.976 img. Guess everything is already included in the image.
I can stream straight from spotify to Volumio.
This is a perfect solution.
Next step is installing the DAC and building it all in an old speaker.
And find a solution for the 2.4GHz wireless streaming. So much interference with neighbouring networks.
Have to install a 5GHz wireless dongle, since the pi3 only supports 2.4GHz.
I use Spotify on my Iphone and select Volumio as output source. Is it Airplay I am using here or spotify-connect.
If it’s Airplay, is that in the package by default?
Either way, I don’t really care since it functions.
I also have a 7" raspberry pi display connected to my pi.
Is it possible to use this display as a Volumio browser window on the pi?
If so than you would have a stand alone solution that is possible to stream Spotify content and play NAS stored music content.
Ok. If you haven’t installed a plugin it’s airplay. Even if for you it seems the same, the way it works is different. With airplay your device (iPhone) send the stream to volumio. The battery of your phone is used as it plays the music. With Spotify connect your phone act as remote to say “play this stream”. You can power off your phone, music will continue to play.
HI @balbuze,
thanks a lot for this tiny cool plugin
Just a question: do you have to select the Hifiberry digi output in a config file?
I have sound only with the hdmi output.
The plugin use auto detection for the output. Try this : in setting playback choose hifierry as output and save. Then go in the plugin and save. Let me know.
I did a fresh install of volumio and your plugin: I don’t see “Volumio” anymore in Spotify (Mac or mobile, same network)
I noticed an error at the end of the installation process (on a fresh volumio install): “The folowing error occurred when installing the plugin: Error: Plugin volspotconnect already exists”
I know that sometimes the plugin fail to install, and I don’t know why. Sometimes it installs after the 2nd or third time.
It is not suppose to work with something else than Volumio. The idea is that you install, configure (credentials etc) and play. It is still not finished yet, but I never tested it with a hifiberry, but I have a idea of why it don’t work (probably due to the lack of mixer with hifiberry). But I can’t test because the hifiberry like DAC I own is on a RPI B and spotify-connect can’t work with it (arm V6) as it is done in the plugin…I have to work on it… Sorry
What is your dac ? If you have a ssh access you can try with /data/plugins/music _service/volspoconnect/Spotify-connnect/startconnect.sh and paste what you get (path may be not exact as I m not able to access my RPI now.